Chapter 34 - Hey, sick breath!

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We managed, just, to get me cleaned and presentable so that when my mom had finished her mother's meeting with Stevie's mom, I was ready to go; hair dried and all!

"Have a good day?" She asked as I threw my bag down in our hall way once we were home. "You look tired."

"Yes, it was fun. I haven't seen them in a while." I shrugged, my head thrumming slightly and my body feeling very tender from the alcohol. My stomach in particular.

"No? You've just been out hanging around on your own for the last few weeks then?" She asked, raising her eyebrows questioningly. Well, good one, Lilah!! I may as well have just told her about Nial then and there.

"Well, once I was let out of the house again," - I made a point of bringing up my unnecessary punishment that I had finally escaped - "I decided I liked my freedom more than I thought."

She nodded, clearly sceptical. "Well, good. As long as you don't have some secret boyfriend!" She laughed to herself, my heart jumping up into my mouth.

"What?" I asked, before realizing just how obvious I was being, and covering my mistake up quickly. "What? You think no one would have me?" I feigned hurt.

"Of course not. Any boy would be happy to have you, Delilah." She shook her head, as if that was obvious.

"Whatever." I murmured glancing at my self in the mirror briefly as I passed. I saw something different in myself. I just hoped my mother didn't, because she'd never drop it unless I told her, and just the thought of me having a boyfriend scares her nearly as much as I see it will scare my father. Let alone an older boyfriend. I don't like it. I can't tell her. Yet. But at the same time, I don't want it to end, so 'd have to tell her sometime. I suppose just under two months wasn't exactly a long term relationship. We had nothing to worry about for now.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Nial.

Hey sick breath x Hope ur okay. you free tonight?

I replied quickly while unpacking my bag onto my bed.

That's no way to talk to ur girlfriend - and yes. Should I be worried? ;P

His answer came back almost instantly.

Very. I'll pick u up at the end of ur road @ 6 xx

I smiled while typing back.

Can't wait. See u then in my nicest dress x

Good x

And now I had something to look forward to, and a reason to cure my hangover as soon as possible.

I text Tasha asking if she could cover for me tonight and say I was going to the movies with her. Of course she replied quickly saying that was fine, that this was what friends were for, and asking for all of the little, juicy details later.

It was only then, that I realized, I'd called myself Nial's girlfriend... and he hadn't said no. A smile tore across my face so wide that my cheeks hurt, and I just couldn't stop it.


"Mom, I'm going out tonight!" I called downstairs as she came back in from doing her mother nature thing in the garden.

"Okay. Who with?" She called back.


"Fine." She replied, trusting me more than ever. I felt bad. But it couldn't be helped. Fuck, I was a bitch sometimes. But if my parents weren't so controlling, I wouldn't have to do it. It was a fine line to tread. I just hoped I wouldn't be falling off. "Just don't be too late. It's Wednesday tomorrow and you're not missing school because you're tired."

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