Chapter 36 - Dreams of Two futures

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Heelllloooo :D

Enjoy xx


I was running but my heart not pounding painfully through my body and my lungs not burning like a wild bush fire. In fact there was nothing… Not a burn, not a sound, not even the inkling of desire leaking from the tiniest pore of my body; nothing at all. My feet just brushed the ground, not quite unsettling the fine woodland growth beneath me. Tall, elegant trees jumped out of the murky light ahead but the vast speed at which they advanced my flying body was not a problem. I felt nothing, but emotionally, everything. It was as musky and confusing as the foggy, unpredictable moonbeam streaked air around me. I seemed to be the only thing living in the silent world but I captured nothing in my body that reflected or echoed the life and love that I was so used to. I looked up while I moved, to see the tops of the trees being enveloped and hidden in mist and fog, their frames ghostly and reeking of death. The freedom that I had first encountered where my heart should have been, tightened, twisting and morphing into blank white fear causing me to slow right down from my unnatural speed to a steady, brittle jog. I felt an unwanted presence around me, like a thousand haunted spirits. But I saw nothing; heard nothing.

A surge of panic flew through me as I recognized the scene ahead of me, my thoughts attached and involved in this nightmare as clearly as if I were awake; more so perhaps.

Very suddenly I had a horribly unpleasant lurching feeling fall through my stomach and I was ripped from my flesh, somehow painlessly, now an onlooker to the familiar scene I had been in. I felt sick with the memory of what was to come, and the deja vu of this nightmare.

I could see myself running through the forest but slowing down more and more as I advanced deeper into the blackness. I saw my terrified body whip around in an incomprehensible blur of motion as a noise cracked from somewhere behind. This new ‘me’ looked up into the trees from where the noise had been heard and, on seeing nothing, scanned all around the forest anticlockwise, her body tense and ready. She stopped rotating when she faced me, her body level with me, her face fixed on where I sat on a shallow tree branch. She pulled at her soft brown, red tinged hair, removing its obscurity from over her eyes and so sending a violent wave of shock and disgust over my ridged frame. Her irises stung a luminous red that pierced through everything and clouded my mind with vehement fear. A similar shade of red splattered her pale blue, silky shirt and had begun to dry over her skin tight jeans.

The human 'me' clenched her fists, swallowing back bile that I could physically taste in my own mouth. Her right hand moved slowly, her fingers, sending a wave of nausia through me. It looked wrong in 'my' hands - but underneath, I could see the brandishing of this weapon was purely self preservation.

I was looking between the two 'me's', when I was dragged forcefully, into the body of the human 'me' suddenly seeing things from her prospective. My prospective. My head span as I felt the wood of that stake between my fingers. I could barely keep up.

I watched the alternative Delilah, shuddering as I saw myself as a vampire. Her muscles twitched and she shifted her body weight, looking at me curiously… but she wasn’t looking… she was observing, almost marauding over me, over my sickened body. It was as if she didn’t realise what I was, or who I was at all; just prey. Apart from her eyes, she looked almost exactly identical to me; her clothes were unfamiliar but that was it. It was virtually as if I was staring into a mirror. She was though, wearing a look very different to anything I was used to.

I poised myself for the attack that came in the last dream I had like this one, but it never did. Instead, in a blur, the vampire 'me' shot forward, stopping just millimeters from me, the cold of her skin radiating out around her.

"This doesn't make me a bad person." Her voice was identical to mine. "It just makes me a victim. A victim of my family line..." She almost sounded, sad.

"What?" I murmured, breathless as I tightened my grip on the stake automatically.

"It's a blood line. You're blood line. Ask the monster you love so much. Your grandfather."

Before I could ask, our bodies were crushed together by a burning force, like two walls were squeezing and flattening us into one. A scream and a rush of air hit me full force and I-

My eyes flew open and I sat up instantly, as if a bolt of lightning was shot directly down my spine. My chest tightened, causing me to choke and cough up the contents of my stomach into a shallow bucket someone thrust into my hands just in time. My eyes widened, and heart sped up considerably, when I saw that it wasn't vomit in the bucket, but my own deep red blood.

Last time in my dreams, I remembered the blood and it's taste, more than anything, but now, it was real blood in my mouth that was making me shake and gag violently. I dropped the bucket, like it was a wild animal, and my hands shot up to cover my mouth as my eyes stung with tears. For the moment, my mind was removed completely from the confusing words that had been hissed to me in the dream - the fear too overwhelming for me to think of anything other than the blood.

There were two possibilities. A vampire, or a hunter, perhaps. How could I know? And who was to say they were my possibilities?

Anything could happen. The fact that my life had been completely turned around in the space of about three months proved that.

"Delilah?!" My mom's voice jumped me from my stupor and I snapped my head up to where she stood, close to tears, in the doorway. The nurse that had now removed the bloody bucket had left me to my thoughts.

"Mom." I burst into tears as she flung herself around me and pulled me into a tight embrace.

"Oh, Delilah. When your school rung me to say you'd been brought to the hospital... I thought something horrible had happened to you as well."

"As well?" I asked, wiping my eyes on my sleeve.

"Yes..." She pulled back from me, wiping away a tear with her fingertips. "You don't know?"

I shook my head.

"Oh baby, one of your friends was... attacked this morning. It's Hannah." As she said this, my heart dropped into my stomach, and I felt very, very sick once more.

"Is she okay?" My voice shook as my brain told me; this is my fault.

"She's stable... but not out of the woods. You've been out almost all day darling."

I was sick again, but this time, it really was vomit.

I couldn't deal with this all being my fault, which I knew it was. It had been me that had been left the message, and that dead bird.


Two Eyes, Two minds, Two FangsWhere stories live. Discover now