Chapter 16 - metaphorical thunder storm

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I've tried to update as much as possible as I have less GCSE's this week than I did for the past few :)

Anyway, best get on. Enjoy:


In the afternoon we had games but the rain had been falling in crystallised little gems from the clouds all morning and the day had, as it got later, just brought more of those refreshing droplets. Over lunch a rumor had been spreading fast around the school too:

 "Apparently there's more of those people in town who were at the party!" Somebody whispered, stopping quickly at her table, slamming her tray down on the hard surface.

"Seriously? But that was like, really really bad!" Somebody else panicked.

"Yeah, I know! ...But who were they?"

These questions and whispered conversations carried on around me throughout the day, sparking ticklings of guilt inside me. I knew more than every one yet I wouldn't, and totally refused to, let on to anybody even the hint of a little inkling that I knew anything.

In the locker rooms many, many of the girls were getting flustered and worried about the goings on and quite frankly, it was starting to make me feel utterly sick. I stared down at the floor, twirling the little bar in my bellybutton in concentrated thought.

"You okay?" Hannah asked, again.

"Yeah, just... worried about this whole vamp- very creepy freak thing." I quickly corrected myself, nearly blowing the whole secretive thing by saying vampire. I mentally hit myself, how could I be so stupid?

"Yeah? I am a bit... it was just so scary! I thought-" She was going to continue but was cut off by a girl running, screeching into the locker rooms, her face flushed and eyes watery.

"Lilah! Lilah!" She called. It was Tasha.

"Shit, are you alright?" I asked, dragging her into an isolated corner, wiping a tear from her chin.

"It's Trey! He's been found out side!" She lowered her voice, "His girlfriend is totally freaked out. Her mom is with her in the medical room." sniffle.

"What? He's dead?" I gasped, clapping my hands to my face, my voice barely even a sound.

"Yes." She cried and grabbed my hand, dragging me from the changing room, people staring but not interested enough to follow - thank God!

We ran as fast as we could down the hall, me on the heels of Tasha who was still crying violently. Stepping outside we were almost immediately drenched in the torrential rain that was flooding, like Tasha's tears, from the sky. On the floor there sat rippling, ever growing, muddy puddles that we splashed through, following the sound of voices and the luminous reflection of the official cars. In the police car there sat... Leo? Why was he there? But then, on closer inspection, I realized that the police car didn't look quite right. It wasn't even a real police car, was it? Christ, why was this so mucked up?! I ran my fingers through my hair, looking further around the scene that laid ahead of me.

"Shit!" I stopped, stunned, absolutely not expecting what I saw, even though Tasha had told me what had happened. Trey's body laid there, motionless in the muddy grass. His eyes were party open, his pupils blank, empty and staring. His hands were curled up loosely and his hair in a matted mess around him, the brown mixing and merging with the thick, dark mud. He had a big cut running down the right side of his neck down to his elbow that was bent jauntily, splayed across the grass. I felt bile raise up into my mouth and had to breath and gasp to relive the acid burning in my sickened stomach. I felt this bad just seeing his, relitively clean yet battered and splattered body. The rain had obviously washed away the blood that had been left by the vampires... if it was vampires; but it had to be! Why else would Leo and Nial be here? Nial? Nial!

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