Chapter 3

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I strolled through the corridors of the harsh smelling, unattractive hospital wing with my hand temporarily fixed in a sling trying, half-heartedly, to find a friend of mine who I hadn't yet seen since the party. There was Tash lying across her mom’s lap who I had waved to earlier as a doctor was tugging at my hand. Now though, she looked peaceful and serene. I wish I could feel peaceful... I felt anything but!

"Lilah!" a high, squeaky voice cooed from behind me. I whirled round to see Stevie, like myself, roaming the corridors, restless and very happy to see a familiar face.

"Oh, Stevie!" I sighed and ran to him, hugging him gently when I reached his side but still managing to hit my hand and suck in a pained breath of air yet again.

"I'm so glad to see you." I said, near tears on this fortunate meeting.

"Me too!" he agreed but glancing over his shoulder before leaning in towards me. "Something weird is going on..." He frowned, instinctively lowering his voice.

"I know." I replied, glad somebody also felt it. "... But I don't know what... I have no idea." I lied, suddenly remembering, with a shudder, the feeling of danger I had got earlier talking to the 'hero' who had been so brusque. I didn't want to inflict that on any one; especially not one of my friends.

"I'm sure we'll find out soon enough... There's probably an explanation for all of this." I said, breaking eye contact and adjusting my sling with much struggling.

"Yes, I hope so." he replied, not sounding so convinced. To tell the truth, I had no idea what to expect next.

“What did you do to your hand?” He asked, “And your knees?” he added, observant as ever.

“I fell… I fell in the rush, it was stupid really. I was lucky.” I sighed.

“Yes, did you see all of the…” he trailed off, obviously not wanting to recall the countless amounts of bodies that had been see being treated and removed.

“Yes.” I grimaced, feeling guilty about almost totally forgetting about exactly what had happened.

“It’s horrid.” He choked.

"Did you hear about the twins?" I asked Stevie quietly.

"Yes." he nodded. "You know they were trying to protect each other..." he trailed off, swiping at his eyes before he could cry about this as I had. I didn't know what to say to that; what can you say?

"It is horrid..." I sighed but, through my sorrow, continued to glance around the hospital and down the corridors for more familiar faces.

"Are you okay?" I asked Stevie, looking up at his bloodshot eyes.

He nodded in reply. "Are you?"

"Yes, I'm fine." I answered. "I just can't stand still." I admitted.

"Go on then, go for a wander... I'll catch you later." he smiled half-heartedly and, before I could object, he turned and disappeared into the crowd. I was sick of those crowds of people and was beginning to feel claustrophobic and sick. Not tired though, just sick. I spotted an open window at the end of the corridor directly opposite me and instantly began to jog towards it, unable to stop myself from gravitating towards the fresh air even though, with every step, my hand was jolted with another slap of pain. My feet moved heavily along the rubber floor and I couldn't get to that air quick enough. My body was so thick and tired of the smells of chemicals and harsh medical equipment that it was already lusting for that air. I could feel it in every ache of every muscle in my being. My head pulsed under the strain of my sudden panic and I rushed to the window even more enthusiastically. The second I bounced at the window sill my nostrils flared and my eyes began to water with relief and pain as the fresh, cool air wrenched at my flesh and stung where the chemical smells had been sat slumbering. My lungs breathed in, fully inflated and fit to burst with the volume of fresh air compacted inside of them. I rolled my head around, releasing the tension I still felt and, for some reason, couldn’t shake off. Pulling my shoulders forward and being careful with my pulsing hand, I leaned over the plastic sill, stretching and straining to get as far away from the hospital clamour as I could, longing to fly away from it all and from the stress surrounding me. Of course, that wish was crushed and frustration thrust into its place when I saw a familiar figure striding from the hospital doors.

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