Chapter 24

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The sheets were sticky around me as dawn broke across Nevada, sleep not yet coming to me. My eyes stung and my face felt hard with old tears full of sorrows I didn't wish to delve into. I ran my hands through my clammy hair trying to straighten out my thoughts and get some sort of logic to mind. My throat was rough and dry from crying and my voice hoarse from dismissing my livid parents.

As I rolled back over I coughed into my pillow, my limbs sprawled lazily around me and hanging from the sheets, felt as if they were burning up like the rest of my body. I swung myself upright, head lolling back onto the headboard of my bed, the hard wood just strengthening the headache that pounded around my brain. My eyes shut but sleep still refused me its privileges.

"Screw it." I decided, jumping up, the cool night air a relief to my sticky body. My feet were light on the floor as I dragged off my clammy pyjamas and pulled on the first clothes I could come to. My Sweat pants and Holister jumper. My UGGboots laid by my bedroom door and I pulled them on before stepping silently down our landing. I skipped the one creaky stair and made my way to the living room window to avoid the loud lock of the door clicking everyone awake. When I opened the frame the cold breeze pulled a sigh of relief from my lips, the glass cool against my finger tips as I slid out onto my back lawn. It was virtually pitch black, the stars and full moon the only thing illuminating my way down the little, overgrown footpath.

I wandered aimlessly, just pondering and pawing over everything that was happening to me. The thought of the vampires drew shivers down my spine and my eyes flicked around the area for any signs of these creatures. I saw nothing though. It was silent apart from the soft pad of my feet and my surprisingly calm breathing. I didn't know where I was going until I got there, the little park rising into my view from behind the pruned hedge. The grass was neatly trimmed and paths and trees surrounded the kids area, trash-cans and benches scattered across the large field like dice were scattered on a playing board.

That was it! My life: The playing board...

I felt very much a part of the background being out there with no one to bring an ounce of reality to the scene. Everything looked too set up, too dream like in the frosty silver of the moon. The trees cast swaying shadows across the walk ways and the moon made everything look ghostly silver. The park even looked different. Instead of the colourful maze of climbing frames, slides and jungle puzzles I remembered, the small, measly little park looked dull and sorry. A smile flitted on my lips when I remembered playing at that park with Hannah, Tasha and Stevie as kids, our games and stories seeming so magical at the time. I recalled the time that Tasha pushed Stevie down the slide and he bounced down, hitting the floor gently and rolling to a stop. He had begun to cry while all of us girls followed cackling like three miniature witches before we realized Stevie had cut himself. He always had been a bit of a drama queen. It was difficult to say how long ago that had been. Now, it felt like a life time, everything being so very different than it was when we were kids. I would have gladly believed in monsters and  faeries and even vampires then.

I tried to remember when I had really believed about the vampires... I couldn't though. All time escaped from me and all answers evaded my mind, just leaving my questions even longer to torture me.

What had happened to the vampires? It was as if they had just vanished!... but they couldn't have done. If they had left town Nial and his 'hunters' would have followed and they were still here. I was so curious it could have killed me!

I also wondered about what Nial was about... Did he like me? He had first, to me, appeared to be a player. Cocky. Annoying. Arrogant. But I saw something else in him, something deeper. But what? I highly doubted he had feelings for me... I was just me; but what should I do? Did he just want a younger, innocent girl to have a fling with? What did I really mean to him?

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