Chapter 6 - A close encounter

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I scooped my shoes up silently and, not bothering with a coat, crept to the front door. I now, despite the uncomfortable sleep it had given me, was glad I had kept my car keys in my pocket; with my house keys and unnecessary amount of charms on the ring, it would have been nigh on impossible to pick them up and steal away quietly. I heard my moms voice yowling at me from through the windows of our large, sub-urban family house but didn't turn around; didn't stop to hear what she had to say. I just drove away to her mindless torrent of words being muffled through the many layers of insulation. That had been to easy, the worst, I could tell, was still to come... if not, there was something wrong.

the roads were unusually quiet but I supposed all of the recent disturbances had indeed, disturbed people and many didn't wish to risk leaving the warm safety of their homes; of course, if those brutes had been happy attacking such a large group of teens, why would they stop on a house stashed with a family. That didn't matter though, I wasn't stopping, I wasn't risking my time either, contradicting my own theory. I didn't know where I was going, I just drove...

I drove for a long while, enthralled by the shadows of the street lamps against the hard tarmac of the road. I found myself thinking more about life and just what it meant to me. Yeah, I was reasonably popular among my peers, I was always ready to jump in and help with a school event and managed to make time for going to the gym and horse riding. I enjoyed keeping myself fit and active though. You didn't stay slim but laying about on your ass all day... Mind you, everything seemed in slightly different proportions, changing the way it all look. I wasn't really sure why though. That's why I had to find him!

I parked my car in a lay-by, cracking the door open to let in the fresh, evening air. I had many, many missed call on my phone, all of them from either my mom, or dad. Shit, that meant she had told him about my little... disappearing act; and he wasn't as forgiving as she was. I wasn't turning back though. Not now, not until I had control of my mind and what that was doing to my body. I could, behind the short row of high street shops to my left, smell pizza. It was a restaurant that my friends and I often visited over the weekends. My stomach, conveniently, rumbled, reminding me that I had thrown up most of my breakfast and totally skipped lunch out that day. It was nearing on to 5pm and I thankfully, had a small amount of loose change scattered on the floor of my . Buying a small, ham and mushroom pizza slice I began to make my way back down the high street, to skip through the short alley way and avoid the long trek back around to my car.

I stepped in a wide puddle on my way back, my flimsy dolly shoe instantly being soaked through with water... warm water. I glanced up at the sky, no clouds in view, no source of this rain. There were no pipes to drip from the sides of the two story buildings so I knew that this wasn't water.

"Ewe!" I squealed as I figured I had stepped in pee! I staggered backwards flinging my shoe from my foot back in the direction I had come, flailing around wildly. My shoe landed, lamely, out on the road under the dewy light of the nearby shop window. This time I really did scream as my heart jumped up into my mouth when I realized exactly what I had trodden in. My cream little dolly shoe was now stained deep red with thick, warm blood.

"Shit!" I yelled, shooting my gaze down to my bare foot that too, was stained, and streaked with blood. I ran, following my shoe out of the alley and glared at it, shaking from head to toe, nervous sweat beading on my creased forehead.

"Oh God..." I mumbled, my legs almost giving way under my dizzying weight.

"Is there a problem?" A lazy, cat-like voice quizzed from behind me, making the hairs on the back of my neck rear up uneasily.

"Um... yeah..." I stammered, spinning around and staring into the suddenly, very dark alley way from which the voice had purred.

"What? Don't you like the smell of it?" The voice asked, almost inaudible footsteps coming straight after those chilling words. I glanced back at the shoe that laid in the road, repulsing me and my eyes. I didn't want to see it... I didn't want to see the blood. It reminded me of... me, the sick, wild me in my dark daydreams.

"Awe, c'mon honey... Its not that bad." The voice said, its owner stepping forward out of the shadows. I took another step back as they took another forwards, my foot slipping off of the shallow curb. The female that was so very unnerving somehow sparked the glimmers of interest in me. She had long, thick dark hair that flowed from under her dark hood and her face was hidden from my view. She was tall and the only skin that I could see was pale under the dull light... She intrigued me for some weird reason. She jerked forward, her body lashing and whirling towards me at an unbelievable speed. Just like... just like the animals at my party! Just like the monster in my mind. I pulled back but just before I could turn across the road to run she had my arm in an iron hard grip. I howled in pain as she pulled at my twisted, broken hand, gasping and blinking away tears.

"Get off of me!" I begged, my voice weak and small.

"I would, but we all need to eat." She shrugged, making the black fabric around her ripple and shift. I opened my mouth wide and screamed in her face, my throat tingling and scraping with panic and fear.

"Shut up!" She hissed, shaking me violent so my head rolled around on my shoulders angrily.

"No!" I yelled, desperately trying to claw from her harsh grasp but failing by metres, miles and yards. "Get the fuck off of me you creep!" I yelled but a hand covered my mouth, muffling my words and stopping my raspy cruel breathing.

"What's going on? Who the hell are you?" I asked, my body still tense and shaky but my mind revolving so far that it had come to new questions and fears.

"Does it matter, you're going to die anyway?! My brother has already eaten." She mumbled, her disturbingly cool voice almost inaudible.

"But... shit..." I gasped, my hands beginning to feel limp where she was squeezing my arms so hard. Her breath crawled across my face and down my neck, it smelling coppery, rich and harsh.

"Yes..." She mumbled, her arms pulling me even closer, if that was possible. I screamed again, now louder and more fervent. Pain rippled down my body along with a sensuous warm feeling. My neck and shoulder felt inflamed and that heat travelled down my back.

"Stop! Please!" I breathed, my voice low yet desperate. My head was suddenly cleared of questions... all but one at least.

"Why?" I asked, my eyes feeling heavy and sore with sullen, terrified tears. "Why?" I repeated, my voice now just a monotonous drone that jumbled with my shallow, pained breathing. The streetlamp above caught my eyes but not before the deep red of that thick, pooling blood that laid in a thick lazy puddle on the otherwise dry pavement. movement. Someone moved around me, releasing my body. I moved now, the air whipping by me for just seconds before nothing... but a voice.

"It only just bit her!" Someones voice echoed around my body, mind, and soul before silence...


Thanks for reading!!

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Thanks again and I will post soon,

Lovee Evie xx

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