Chapter 7 - Gold shines from the darkness

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My head felt light... my whole body felt light; somewhere though, a soft, niggling pain tugged at my muscles and bones. There, like my pain, was also a soft noise humming in the background. I didn't move though, I didnt't want to, I didn't need to, I just didn't. My heart beat was the loudest noise that approached my ears but I strained to hear beyond that, out side my own little bubble that was supporting me. Once I put my weak concentration onto that noise, it grew. I listened intently to what I wanted to hear.

"... Nial, she doesn't have to know. It may risk her safety." An urgent, unfamiliar female voice said, quickly followed by another voice that I had no connections to.

"We just dump her back where she was. We scared off the one that caught her."

"Yeah, exactly! We scared it off! We need to kill it! It's obviously chosen her! Its the one that cornered her at that party... she should know, she has rights." I gasped as I heard this new voice though; it had been the one I was searching for. I was sure of it.

"Shh... she's awake... Nial, I can't make you keep it a secret from her but God, I wish you would." The male voice rolled through my consciousness as I flickered my eyes open, my sense being discovered. I stared up at the blurred outlines of three fuzzy, interested faces. There were two men and a woman. The woman had thick, light brown hair that was swept back into a high, intricate bun on the top of her head. she was thin and beautiful but I didn't pay too much attention to her; I didn't even pay much attention to the man leaning over me beside her. The only thing I payed any attention to in fact, was the third guy leaning over me. He was far more tanned than the other two stood around me and he was wearing a dark skin tight top that outlined his muscular figure and showed off his large biceps. He had brown hair that was laden with golden blond and coppery streaks that almost matched his eyes. Those eyes were what made my breath catch in my throat and my cheeks and neck flare pink. The amber and gold around his pupils entranced me and the bright irises were so deep I felt as if I could drown in their depths. He was like a miracle. So much in fact that I cried; I actually cried in his face. This unorthodox action shocked even myself; thick, heated tears fell down my face in quickly flowing torrents. I was totally confused, sore, and so so close to getting answers that I felt overwhelmed with things I knew, wanted to know, and could be knowing. I just needed to understand why all of this anger, frustration and ludicrous secrecy had been dumped upon me. I didn't want any of it! I had a great group of friends, a brilliant social life and a nice, normal family; my life didn't want to change, it didn't need to but I had bad suspicions it would. I didn't want to know how though!

"Oh, God..." Some one mumbled: Nial... thats what I had heard the other guy say.

"Are you alright... um... kid?" The woman asked, stepping forward, filling up my line of sight.

"No, she's obviously not." The other guy said, his voice coming from behind me, making me panic and spin around, flustered and touchy.

"Shh, its okay." the girl soothed from what was now, my right.

"No, its not!" Nial said, his voice the faintest, obviously from further away. I snapped my head up to catch sight of him again... and his eyes.

"Nial?" I asked, wiping away tears from my scrunched up, curious face.


Well, well, well! 

What will happen?!

Hope you enjoyed and continue to read

Lovee Evie xx

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