Chapter 20 - Fight for my love

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Writers block!!!!! Make it go away :O

I'm sorry I haven't uploaded for a while, have been so busy I just can't think - I really want to post but I just can't think of what to do next!! Its sooooooo frustrating...

anyhow, enjoy what I can come up with until I manage to make up a good plot line xx


 In weeks I hadn't spoken to any of the hunter 'clan', Nial the one I missed the most. I mean, we spoke on the phone, but that just wasn't the same. I wanted to see him. Restless nights were reeking havoc with my class work, what would a sleepover make any difference? The company helped anyway.

"So? Nial? Tell me everything." Hannah grinned, snuggled up in her thick duvet with her hot chocolate in hand.

"There’s not much to tell." I shrugged, my cheeks flushing.

"Seriously?" Hannah demanded, raising her eyebrows at me looking very imperious. "I saw you two in the cafe last week. You cannot tell me that was nothing."

 "Well we're good friends but I'm not sure if he likes me as much as I like him." I said shyly.

"Oh, of course he does. He was looking at you like... Just that look… of total, like, love. It's so cute." she grinned.

"Really?" I said, hope rising over my embarrassment and sadness.

 "Yeah, absolutely. He likes you." she cooed, grinning from ear to ear, amused at just how pink my cheeks had turned.

"I don't know. He's cute... Really cute, but my parents..." I sighed.

"How old is he?" she asked, just as curious as my other friends had been about the mystery man.

"22." I replied. She nodded and looked thoughtful, chewing gently on her bottom lip, eyebrows knitted in the middle while she gazed off into the distance.

"What?" I asked, "You think he's too old?"

"No, I just can't wait to hear what your parents have to say about that." she laughed.

"They do not have to know."

"Yeah, they do. If you really like him they do anyway."

"No, I can't do it. I can't tell them." I said, running my fingers through my hair that was pulled around my shoulders, just the idea of telling my parents how  felt about Nial making me nervous. I mentally slapped myself though, I probably wouldn't even have to. What were the chances that he actually liked me?

"You'll have to." Hannah said, much more serious this time.

"What will I be able to say to them to convince them that he's not some kind of weirdo?" I asked.

"Well... Tell them about the party. He saved you there. He was your hero." she suggested.

"Yeah..." but I could always find a reason not to, "But my dad would completely freak if he knew I met him in that shit hole. It already looks bad enough that he's 22. Telling my dad that he was a 22 year old at a high school rave looks even worse." I gave a wonky smile to my friend; she was trying to mould this to make it work for me. It was nice of her but I knew it wouldn't work. My parents wouldn't approve of Nial no matter what.

"True." she agreed sipping her hot chocolate and furrowing her thin eye brows in concentration.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'll figure something out. Anyway, I probably won't even have to say anything, I doubt anything will happen, he's just majorly hot." I smiled her way. "So... So, are you going to homecoming with anyone?" I asked, happy not to think about my horrid predicament concerning Nial and my parents. Hannah's face lit up and she was clearly very happy to talk about guys and parties; it was just her comfort zone.

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