The Muggle Way

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Author's note: I am going to do Harry POV's too, like someone literally thought that I want to be in Ginny's place, that's why I do Ginny POVs, nah dude, relax, enjoy it from Harry's POV now. Why I do Ginny's POVs is because I can think like a girl...I am trying to do Harry's POV for the first time, tell me if you like it.

Disclaimer: This chapter contains violence. (For my violence lover bestie)


Harry's point of view.

"What you doing, hun?" I asked putting my arms around Ginny's neck. "Writing to mum, if someone else told her about us, before me, she is going to kill your soulmate." I half laughed, half snorted at this. "Like I would let her." I said planting a kiss on her cheeks. Ginny grinned and kept down the quill. "I am going down to chat with Hermione, mind posting it for me? Just read it once and add something if you want to." Ginny said and left. I tried to stop her but she ran to door, yelled "Not this time Potter!" and left the room.

I took the letter and began reading it.

Hey mum,

You remember Harry mentioning some law due to which he returned, it is a marriage law!! We are supposed to marry our soulmates by the end of this term. McGonagall says it is for some reason and for 'greater good'.

Oh there was this flower, the most beautiful I have ever seen, The Flower Of Souls. It technically makes your soulmate glows and tell you how much they love you. It depends on how much your soulmate glows.

I am not sad at all. The only reason for it could be the fact that when I picked up the flower, Harry James Potter glowed like the sun! (Why did she used my full name?)

Oh mum, Harry loves me soo much, it's good to know. You should have seen the happiness on his face. It's like I am living in a dream, Harry...the boy who I have grown up loving...loves me back and is my soulmate! I don't know if to tell you what happened next...I am telling you, cause it was most different.

Harry came running towards me and even when I kept the flower back at it's stand, he didn't stopped glowing, he just glowed a bit dimmer, but unlike others, he glowed. The next moment, Harry had scooped me up bridal style and kissed me, infront of McGonagall, Kingsley, and the whole 7th and 8th year! (There was no need to mention that...) Well he didn't let me stand until we were in our room. You read it right mum, 'our' room. We have to share a room now! Only 5 pairs of soulmates were chosen for this law.

I don't know if Ron has told you or not but he was glowing the second brightest out of all the boys who had glowed in the ceremony (second after Harry ofcourse.) Ron's soulmate is... HERMIONE! I knew Ron loved her.

Oh mum, Harry's here (Ron had stopped him in the common room.) I will write you later.

Lots of Love,

PS: Hello Mrs.Weasley, Harry here, me and Ginny would be coming to The Burrow on Saturday, we have taken permission of McGonagall for getting out of Hogwarts for some work and I thought why don't we pay you a visit afterwards.

I rolled the parchment and went down. I scanned the room looking for Gin. There she was, near the fireplace, in the comfiest of the chairs, talking animately with Hermione.

I felt a knock on my shoulder. I turned around to see Malfoy standing there. "Hello!" he said and I returned it. "Er...can we end our enimety...I want to change...for Astoria. Potter, *gulps* will you be my friend?" he asked an appological and hopefull smile on his face. I raised a sceptical eyebrow. "I promise you to not harm you Harry!" he said. I was shocked, did he just called my by my name? "Father is in Azkaban, Thank You for saving me and mother from going there too. He sort of forced me to act like I did. I stood up against him, only to be crucioed." Draco said, tears threatening to come out. "I know you are the only one who can help me get to the good side. Will you please be my friend?" I gulped. Did the proud Slytherin Prince just said 'please' to me? I nodded and shook his extended hand. His eyes widened. "Thank You!" he whispered.

Harry Potter and The Twisted LawsWhere stories live. Discover now