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Author's word: Read the previous chapter if you haven't, I have got to know that it wasn't shown that a new chapter is already updated.


It was a grey rainy day, Harry and Ginny were getting ready for the Hogsmead weekend.

"Where do you want to go?" Harry asked, pulling on some trousers.

"I don't know...maybe at Puddifoots..." Ginny said, making her hair and doing a charm on it so that the rain wouldn't effect them.

Harry choked on air, did she just said she wanted to go to Madam Puddifoots Tea Shop? That Hogsmead couples paradise?

"Er...are you sure Gin?" Harry asked uncertainty.

"Well, I think it would be fun at that sickening place if you are with me." she replied, now doing her makeup.

"As you wish then," Harry said shrugging slightly, "and don't apply makeup, you don't need it."

Ginny smiled softly, keeping her gloss down. "Should we go?" She said, holding Harry's extended arm and leaning into him as they walked.

"And here comes the lovebirds." Ron said as the two of them exited their room.

"Are you going to spend the day with us?" Hermione asked.

Harry and Ginny exchanged a glance, "Well not today, we are on a date." They said in unison.

"Where are you heading then." Ron asked, maybe he was thinking to take Hermione there.

"Madam Puddifoots, a sick place full couples that only serves tea." Harry replied.

"So why are you going there then." Hermione asked thoughtfully.

Ginny raised a hand, and Harry, pointing at her said, "Her mad idea, it is her idea."

"And now, do you like that place Ginny?" Hermione turned to Ginny.

"Well, that place sucks, but maybe it is good if I go with Harry." She replied with a shrug.

"Not ruining your this date Harry." Hermione said softly.

"What do you mean? When did you ruined Harry's date?" Ron asked as Ginny laughed.

"He went to Madam Puddifoots Tea Shop with Cho, and that day was Valentine's, and well...I had call him to meet me in three broomsticks for the interview with Rita that was in The Quibbler." Hermione explained and Ron's expression lightened. He laughed.

"And you Harry, you left your date in mid way, to meet Hermione! Unbelievable." Ron said laughing.

"Cho was sickening! Always crying!" Harry complained.

"Well guys, we should get going, we are getting late." Ginny said, tucking on Harry's sleeve. "Byee!" Harry said happily, getting out of the common room with Ginny.

"We should get going too." Hermione said, now turning to Ron. "As you say, miss soulmate." Ron said with a bow, making Hermione go red.

Harry and Ginny were walking down the street, on the wet streets, a coat covering them, the greyish dull environment not effecting them.

(Like this ↓)

(I know this is Jily but they look like Hinny, don't they?)

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(I know this is Jily but they look like Hinny, don't they?)

They turned around the corner to face the street walking down Madam Puddifoots. As always the place was filled with couples, talking, or er, snogging. As they entered the small shop, everyone stopped, to look at them.

"Is this really Harry Potter and his girlfriend!?" A small chubby woman came running towards them. Even the couples, who were busy in, snogging, turned around to look at them at the mention of Harry's name.

"What do you think, madam?" Harry said raising an eyebrow.

She flushed. Harry and Ginny went and sat on a table near the windows, looking outside of the rain swept windows.

"Madam Rosmetra would never..." Ginny said, sighing.

Harry squeezed her hand, "It's not your fault we are famous." he said with a soothing smile.

"My dears! What can I get the two of you?" The same chubby woman, who now Harry assumed to be Madam Puddifoot, said.

"Tea." Ginny answered kindly, Harry was secretly thankful for her cause he wouldn't say it without sarcasm.

Soon the tea was forgotten as both, Harry and Ginny were lost in the depth of eachother's eyes.

Ginny leant in, ahead on the table and softly kissed Harry.

Atleast this time Harry wasn't part of the couple just sitting there.

There was, anyways, a couple, much like Cho and Harry, sitting on the middle table, the girl, looking at Harry and Ginny snogging passionately, and the boy sitting there, annoyed.

"So, Three Broomsticks?" Hermione asked Ron who was leading her through the way to Hogsmead. "No." Ron said and lead her through an unknown street in Hogsmead.

Ron led her through different streets and then, out of a sudden, came to halt in front of a -

Library Cafe!

"I-This- Oh Ron, Thank You!" Hermione stuttered and kissed Ron on the cheek. "Well my lady," Ron said opening the door. Hermione walked in, her jaw dropping to the floor.

She allowed herself to roam around the many shelves and get lost in the world that every other book holds.

Her fingers touching the spines of the many books as she roamed around the library.

‘The Wizards of Oz.’
‘The Three Chasers.’
‘Wings of Fire: an autobiography.’
‘Readers eventful.’

After all, the afternoon was amazing for both the couples, and when they met eachother at Honeydukes, it was safe to say that they were perfectly happy.


Author's blabber: That's it for today.

There were some technical issues and I republished the last chapter, "Quidditch Practice" today.


Peacing out,


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