Teddy's favourite

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"Erm...Hermione? Why are you standing like a shield infront of us?" Harry asked as he slowly came back to Earth from Merlin knows where.

"Uh... something happened - I - Meeting in my room." Hermione replied.

"Ok I guess." Ginny shrugged.


"We what!?" Harry and Ginny exclaimed in unison.

"You were glowing." Ron repeated Hermione's words. "A bright gold." he added.

"And Gold is the most powerful colour of good magic." Hermione said, pondering from over a book.

"But what does that even mean?" Ginny asked.

"Maybe your bond is completed." Hermione replied.

"Do you trust Luna?" Hermione asked suddenly.


"Good, 'cause I will need help researching and she is a Ravenclaw afterall, but the problem is... Our school library don't have enough books on the topic."

"Wait - Harry, does your manor have a library?" Ron asked.

"Yes. Wait - wait - it may contain some books on the topic..." Harry said.

"Flower." Ginny called uncertainty.

The little elf appeared in a crack.

"Yes mistress Ginevra." The elf bowed.

"Er...call me Ginny and I was wondering...does the library at Potter Manor contains any books on soul bonds?"

"Soul bonds... Yes mistress Ginny, Shelf U, Row 25." The elf replied.

Hermione was just fascinated. "Er... Flower?" she called.

"Yes madam Hermione?" The elf turned to her.

"Can I ask - just how many books are there in the library of Potter Manor?"


"What - that's a lot - Our school library has only 15,120 books"

"Only Hermione? That's a lot." Ron said.

Flower chuckled. "Glad to know that Madam Hermione likes reading."

"Well Flower, we, along with a friend would be coming tomorrow, prepare some treacle tart for Harry. You can go now." Ginny said politely.

The elf disappeared in a crack.

"Well I didn't expected her to come." Ginny said turning to Harry.

"No need to be so shocked darling."

"So should we call Luna now?" Hermione asked.

"Yes." Harry and Ginny said in unison.

Hermione exited the room and came in after a few minutes followed by Luna.

"Hiya Harry, Ginny and Ron." She greeted.

"Well Luna, we have to tell you a secret and need your help in research." Hermione began.

Harry Potter and The Twisted LawsWhere stories live. Discover now