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"It was a tiring day!" Ginny exclaimed collapsing on their bed.

"But getting tired dancing or enjoying is better than getting tired fighting." Harry shook his head as if shaking away the thought, sitting down beside her.

Ginny placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine." She said soothingly. "Frankly, you have done enough for mankind for a lifetime."

"It seems like saving people will never leave me. Like a responsibility I have for a lifetime." Harry responded wearily. "Anyways, what was your favourite part of the party?"

"Meeting Henry for sure." Ginny answered at once, it didn't felt like they were meeting after years. It was like old times.

"He is an intresting person." Harry commented.

"Hmm..." Ginny hummed.

"I would say, if he wasn't your cousin, he would be here instead of me." Harry said getting closer to her.

"Naw!" Ginny cooed as if he was a little kid. "No one is replacing you."

Harry smiled and kissed her gently. "I know that."

"How much do you love me?" Ginny asked suddenly.

The question was so out of the blue that Harry was taken aback.

"Who said I love you?" Harry asked teasingly.

Ginny shook his head, "Not the time to joke."

"Fine." Harry said. "You want to hear the truth?"

Ginny nodded yes.

"I love you beyond measure." Harry said, knowing how clichè he sounded, but he was stating the truth.

Ginny grinned. She placed a firm kiss to his lips that turned heated...


"Morning Harry, Ginny." Ron greeted as they met him in the common room.

"Morning to you too, where's Mione?"


"I am here!" Hermione said descending the stairs from her room.

"Does anyone know what Slughorn will teach today?" Hermione asked. "Like, he had called all the students the law is applied -"

"- whereas only us four our in Potions." Ron finished her sentence. "You have been repeating this question Mione."

"And the answer all -" Harry said.

"-the time is -" Ginny said.

"No!'' They said in unison.

"Alright" muttered Hermione.

After breakfast, as they walked towards the dungeons, Hermione got worried and worried, "what if he makes us brew Polyjuice Potion?" she asked suddenly.

Harry and Ron looked at her as if she had asked 'What is 1+1?'

"Hermione, you can't brew it in a day, less even in an hour." Ginny said, gently placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Also you have made it when you were 12!!" Ron and Harry exclaimed together.

"Yeah yeah, still..." Hermione muttered.

Harry Potter and The Twisted LawsWhere stories live. Discover now