Twin Talks

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The trio along with Ginny were spending a lot of time in the library - trying to find more about soul bonds were failing. Apperantly someone whose name starts with an 'A' and ends with a 'S' had taken books of that topics in his private study that they couldn't visit.

From the minimum books left, the only thing they had found out was that when a soul bonds is completed, the bonded are revealed to different types of supernatural powers.

There was no information on how a bond is completed or what types of power did the bonded get introduced to.

It was a bright Friday afternoon when Harry and Ginny had excused themselves from Hermione to spend some time by the lake where they were found by Hed, waiting to give them a letter.

No one knew how - but the owl seemed to know that the couple was heading towards the lake.

Harry opened the letter from Andromeda and started reading it.

Dear Harry,

I and Narcissa are, let's say, healing old wounds. It's a long story about how to sisters got separated because of the third one. I stood up for what was right, Bella was blinded by power and Cissy was blinded by love she hardly got in return.

And with that the Black sisters were separated, I went on the right path along with Sirius, he was my favourite cousin.

Anyways, the reason I am writing this letter is, I need your permission.

Draco wanted to meet Teddy behind the classes and had requested Cissy to ask me. Teddy is your godson after all, you are the one to decide who to allow him to meet with.

I am only taking care of him because you and Ginny are still at Hogwarts, the first thing I do after you graduate is hand over Teddy and go for a magical world tour.

I would visit you frequently but you would be the one who take care of Ted.

So just tell me your answer by evening, Narcissa had to request a lot to escort Draco out of Hogwarts for a day.



"Narcissa had to request? Minnie allows us blindly." Ginny said as she looked up at him.

"Maybe because we are her favourites or she trust that we won't do something wrong and always have a valid reason?"

"Anyways, do you permit?"

"I do. Draco has changed, but we would talk to him."

"Exactly what I was thinking babe."

"I know you Gin."

"Hmm...I am really interested in this story of the Black sisters."

"So am I"

"Guess we would ask Andi later."

"And I think we have a letter to write before we can relax."

"Or confront Malfoy."

And so Harry took a parchment and quill out of his bag and wrote back to Andi.

Dear Andi,

Draco can meet Teddy and no need to ask really, you are elder and you know better and have best interests at heart for Teddy. Just make sure he doesn't changes favourites.

Yours, Harry.

After owling the letter back, the couple made their way to double Defence Against the Dark Arts class. After a very long lecture the made their way back to the common room and luckily found Draco.

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