The Potter Library

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The next day, Luna, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry, all go to the Potter Manor to research.

"This place is beautiful!" Luna exclaimed as they made their way towards the main door.

Ginny shrugged. Harry knocked on the door twice before it opened.

"Hello Rascal." He greeted.

"Master Harry." The house - elf bowed.

Rascal continued to bow to each and every person.

"Not want to be rude, but what is name of yours?" Rascal asked, stopping infront of Luna.

She smiled, "Luna."

"Welcome Madam Luna, Welcome to the Potter Manor."

"You were correct." Hermione said as she stepped in, "This place have different vibe. A positive one."

"Told you." Harry replied.

"Now do you want to look around a bit or straight to the library?" Ginny asked.

"I will say Library, Professor McGonagall has given us 3 hours in total, so..." Hermione said.

"Alright then, Rascal, lead the way."

The library was magnificent. Rows and rows of shelves, filled with different types of books.

There were many loveseats and tables here and there to sit and enjoy reading in peace.

At the front table, around 50 books on soul bonds were kept, with 5 cushioned chairs around it.

They set to work.


Ok, I ran out of ideas.


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