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"Mr. Draco Malfoy wants to announce to all his mates that he is bored by the schedule that Granger has made for all of us." Draco said, snapping his charms book close.

Hermione ignored him and went on with her reading.

"I am bored too." Astoria said.

"Then go and fuck." Hermione replied turning a page, she must be reading a scene she disagreed with, of course it wasn't an academic book...

"Hermione, are you reading smut?" Ron asked trying to peek over her shoulder.

"No." She replied, "A tragic distasteful story if you had asked me."

"You know, I am bored too, so no need to fuck..." Neville said, slightly uneasy.

"We can play a game." Luna piped in.

"I agree." Hannah said, closing her book too.

Rolf closed his journal too, a silent agreement that he was bored and wanted to play something.

"I am in." Ron said, he turned towards Harry and Ginny, snuggled against each other on the couch reading a book. "You two?"

"In." Harry replied closing the book.

"What were you reading?" Astoria asked.

"The Winter's Tale." Ginny answered.

Harry walked towards Hermione and bowed, "Queen Hermione, pleasures to meet you."

She chuckled and kept her book down. "Nice one."

The others looked at them in confusion.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Oh, in this story by Shakespeare, there is this queen Hermione and then Leontes and all, a tragic story with a happy ending." Ginny supplied.

"I was named after her." Hermione said.

"What were you reading?" Neville asked.

"Oh that...Romeo and Juliet."

"Haven't you read that before?" Ron asked while Astoria commented on how much of a classic and wonderful love story it is.

Hermione scoffed, "Sorry but these two's love story," she pointed at Harry and Ginny, "is far more interesting and better than Romeo and Juliet's."

The two blushed profusely.

"Anyways, King Lear is worst." Hermione continued.

"Granger! We don't want any literature talks here."  Draco moaned, "What should we play?"

"T.F.D?" Astoria suggested.

Draco's eyes brightened, "Excellent!"

"Er...what is T.F.D?" Rolf asked.

"Yes...So we present you a Slytherin original, Truth, False, and Dare. Like the classic Truth or Dare, but better." Draco said as if he was selling something.

"So what's this false section?" Hannah asked.

"You have to lie. Pretty simple." Astoria answered.

"Then let's start?" Draco asked.

A small murmur of agreement went around the group as they pushed the couches afar and formed a circle around the table, sitting on the soft ground.

"Whoever the tip of my wand lands then." Astoria said.

She spun it and it stopped on Hermione.

Astoria grinned, "Truth, False or Dare?"

"Dare." Hermione answered at once.

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