Quidditch Tryouts

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Author's blabber: Soo Sorry for not updating yesterday.


Harry's POV.

There were fifties of Gryffindors that had came to the tryouts that day. From first years to seventh (eighth).

"Everyone, stand year wise." I called out. There was commotion during his sixth year too and by now I had the idea on how to handle these people. There was a bit of commotion before all the people were standing in 8 groups. I went to the first years' group and said, crouching down to their level, "You know first years aren't allowed to play."

"But you were allowed to!" A boy said and the rest nodded in agreement. "You have that skill then?" I asked and the boy nodded proudly. "What position are you looking forwards to play on?" I asked, amused by his confidence. "Seeker." I laughed, that was my position. "Alright then." I said and reduced the size of an old ball. "Get on your broom" I levitated the ball and made it go up and down, right and left, until the boy accepted his defeat. "So, any other first years want to try?" I asked as the boy came down. "Get on with your work then." I said when no one replied.

"Anyone else trying for seeker can go on their way, the position isn't empty." I said and about 7 people left.

"Ok so, beaters first."


Harry was sitting in his room, thinking about the players to select when Ginny approached him.

"Someone's lost in thoughts." she said smirking.

"Gin...Can you help me with something?" he asked her.


"I am really confused in the chasers...You, Demelza and who?" Harry asked her.

"Dean played nice, Romilda improved a lot." She simply replied.

"I think she used magic to -"

"Impress you? Well...hate to agree but she didn't used magic."

"How do you know?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I saw her practise before."

"Oh...But I am still confused...Dean or Romilda?"



"Keep Romilda now and you can switch her with Dean if there's any problem." Ginny said casually.

"You are ok with it?"

"Ofcourse, cause I trust you idiot!" Ginny said and then kissed Harry, for what she had actually interrupted Harry's train of thoughts.


Hermione was having a nice day, she had earned Gryffindor 30 points in total from different classes and had spent a good time with her two bestfriends.

This day couldn't get any better for her.

Well...she was wrong.

"Er...Mione?" Ron said entering the room.
Ron took a deep breath, he was nervous, Hermione could tell that.

"W-will you be my girlfriend?" Ron asked.

Hermione gasped, did Ron just asked her out? She was waiting for this day from 5 months 2 weeks!

"Ofcourse!" Hermione squeaked and grabbed Ron from his collar to kiss him.

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Author's Blabber: Soo whatsup guys? I wanted to make a chapter for Quidditch so the team is -

Seeker- Harry ofc
Keeper- Ron cause Weasley is our King
Chasers- Ginny, Demelza and Romilda
Beaters- Seamus and Jimmie Coote.

So...do you guys want some Deamus?

Romilda on the team is going to be fun...looks like someone else will get a Bludger injury...

Ok I know short chapter, forgive me, but what else could I do for this one? I have no idea.

I am confused for when should Harry propose so... Halloween or Christmas?

Shout out to

Kahsudhve, and Potter-girl-2010

For continuous support and comments, love ya.


P.S. I just checked, this book has got 170 VIEWS! OH MY GOD, THANK YOU!!

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