Somethings Would Never Change

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Harry woke up with a violent shake, he opened his eyes alarmed, his hands automatically moving towards his wand, and as he got up, he just found an excited and confused, and maybe angry Ginny. "What's up Gin?" Harry asked confused, she said nothing but shoved a letter with a page from a magzine in his hands. He looked around the room to find many - many letters. He started reading the one Ginny had shoved in his hands.

Dear Ginny,

Noting that neither you nor Harry reads ‘Witch Weakly’, I had to send this page very much connected to the two of you.

Ginny had now sat beside Harry, her head on his shoulder. Harry sighed in relief, she was angry but not from him.

I think there will be a loads of problems if you and especially him don't know what was printed, leaving you confused.

Just Read It and Tell Me


P.S. : Start reading the Daily Prophet.

Harry was confused and worried now, what would possibly cause problems? He turned to the other page that was shoved in his hands. He glanced at Ginny nervously, "Read it aloud," she said, "although I have already read it."

Potter-Weasley, Soulmates?

An exclusive article by Gina Skeeter.

"Rita had a daughter? Or niece? Or sister?" Harry asked, looking down at Ginny. "I guess so." she replied.

As per the ministries new law, ‘The Marriage Law’, 10 of Hogwarts students have to marry their soulmates, but does The Boy Who Lived (twice) follows?

Apparently, young and handsome Mr. Potter is paired up with quite good looking Ginerva Weasley. According to reliable sources, they had dated for quite some time in Harry's sixth year, but broke apart soon after. Was Ginerva just a pawn to make Harry's ex-girlfriend Cho Chang jealous? Or was it to make some other special one jealous. Readers, state your thoughts by owling us at our headquarters.

According to some other sources, Ginerva Weasley also have quite a history with boys. Her two ex(s), Micheal Corner and Dean Thomas were apperantly abandoned by her. Was Potter just another play toy and now she is stuck with him forever?

The couple do share some interesting history, Ginerva, in her first year, had been possessed and dragged to ‘The Chamber Of Secrets’ and was saved by a twelve - year - old Harry Potter, single handedly.

According to Romilda Vane, a Gryffindor from Ginerva's year, (I just assume that.) Harry Potter doesn't care if they are soulmates or not.

"Well got some truth there, didn't they?" Harry said pointedly, "I did promised to leave my magic if we were not soulmates." he laughed a bit, glad that Ginny joined in.

That was thing about her, she wasn't that jealous girlfriend who will get offended on the smallest of the things. She trusted Harry and he had no intention to break it.

So ladies, there is a sparkling chance to grab Potter before Weasley does her magic.

Ginny grabbed the paper from Harry and began to crumble it, but Harry just snatched it away and on the confused look on Ginny's face, he commented, "Have to show it to Ron and Hermione, don't I?" Ginny nodded in understanding. Harry smiled, how could she get lucky to find someone like her?

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