Chapter 5: Disputes on Life at Monsalltier, Eps 45

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A few days later, all the employees whose has been ordered to leave had returned to work. Drani's friends are very happy and enthusiastic about working. When they arrived at the palace, Snialken announced the contents of the order from Crown Princess Minah to play a video message from him.

Krioran: hi Reon, you came early

Reon: Yes, you have to be enthusiastic on your first day of work

Farion: Hmm, by the way, on our first day of work, why were we told to gather by Snialken in a special palace garden that coincides with the crown princess's room?

Pewory: I don't know, maybe there is an important announcement

Reon: wow, it seems like apart from me, the others are also enthusiastic about working *sees the fate of employees like Drani's friends gathered in front of the big screen hanging on the wall*

Krioran: wow, looks like it's about to start, let's go straight ahead *sees Snialken walking*

Snialken: hi everyone, good morning. Before you start working again, I, as his representative spokesperson, would like to convey a message from the crown princess containing the work contract agreement. So me, please pay close attention & follow the instructions he said because there will be no repetition *holds remote*

Sophia / Minah: "Good morning, hello everyone. As you will know, since I arrived here, I have appointed Princess Aline as a work assistant. So apart from me who you serve, all employees are obliged to serve Aline's daughter well. Therefore, I want you to immediately think about it & decide whether to agree or reject it. If you agree, immediately meet the head lady in her room for a re-interview. Regarding the announcement of passing the interview, you will be immediately notified by the head lady via a small document folder containing the announcement & those who pass, must follow the next instructions carefully. That's all, thank you for your attention, see you again" *talks on the big screen*.

After the message video finished playing, those who agreed immediately went to meet the head of the ladies and were interviewed again one by one. While this was going on, Regore & Melsafi came to visit the imperial palace at the invitation of the crown princess. Then when they were about to go up to the floor of the crown princess's room, Melsafi saw Drani hugging the wall as if peeking at the interview crowd.

Regore: yeah finally my wish came true

Melsafi: Tsk, you're serious

Regore: isn't it great that this way you can make up with Aline with the help of her adopted sister

Melsafi: hmm.. isn't that Drani? *points to Drani hugging the door*

Drani : .. *peek*

Regore : hello *strikes with index finger*

Melsafi: what are you doing here?

Drani: ah.. hey, hello

Regore: Are they employees who have finished their leave?

Melsafi: what event is there? They flocked to wait in line to serve the crown princess, right?

Drani: no *phew*

Drani: That's the queue for the re-interview for those who agree with the crown princess' wishes

Melsafi: oh I see

Regore: Congratulations on their welcome back.

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