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Friday, 20th September 2013

Two days later, at school, the quintet was walking down the stairs.

- "Oh, I love history class!" Adam exclaimed. "Someone is always leaving me a little piece of gum stuck under my desk."

- "Oh my god." Maddie slapped her forehead.

The four looked at him, in disgust.

- "Adam, please, tell me you didn't." Chase begged.

The tall guy blew a bubble with his gum and it popped.

- "He did. He totally did." Bree said, repulsed.

- "Mm-hmm." The genius boy replied.

- "Oh. Guys, don't look now, but here comes that guy none of us like. Marcus." Leo, dramatically, said.

Marcus walked over to them.

- "M-dog!" The bionic siblings exclaimed, happily.

- "Hey!" The android replied.

The four hugged, quickly.

- "What's up!" The oldest said.

- "Hey, Marcus." The Matthews girl smiled.

Hey, asshole. She thought.

- "Hi, Maddie." Marcus smiled, back.

I'm gonna melt that smile off your face, you just wait. The alien girl thought as she gave him a sweet smile.

- "Wait. Hold the phone. Hold the phone; hold the freaky-deaky phone." The short boy pushed his siblings, further away from Marcus. ""M-dog"?" He asked.

- "Yeah. Bro's call each other by nicknames." The youngest Davenport smirked.

- "Well, I'm your actual bro, and you don't call me by a nickname." The Dooley boy replied.

- "Actually, we do." Adam chuckled. "We just choose not to do it in your presence. Mr. Tiny McLittlestein." He patted the short boy's head.

His siblings laughed with the alien girl.

- "You call him that?" Maddie whispered to the genius boy.

- "You call him Chaos Dooley." Chase laughed, in her ear, as he whispered.

God, I love his laugh. The genius girl smiled.

- "So, do you." She murmured.

- "Because of you." The youngest Davenport replied. "Hey, Marcus, what are you up to this weekend?" He asked, on a normal tone.

- "Ah, my dad's out of town, so I'll be stuck home alone with my grandma." Marcus complained.

- "Aha! You said your grandma was dead." Leo said, loudly, with a smile.

The bionic siblings frowned.

He did say that. Chase thought.

- "The other grandma. But thanks for reminding me." The android lied and faked sadness.

Bree hit the short boy's shoulder while the bionic brothers glared at him.

He's a really bad actor. Maddie, mentally, rolled her eyes, but gave the sad boy a smile.

- "I wish I could stay with you guys for the weekend." Marcus said.

No, no, no, no! The genius girl thought.

She-Freak - Chase DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now