
367 14 16

Sunday, 26th January 2014

The next morning, fake Donald and the bionic trio arrived in a dark place.

- "So, this is where we'll be hiding out from the FBI. What do you think?" He smiled.

- "I think we should update our tetanus shots." Bree replied.

- "Hey, where are Leo, mom and Mads?" Chase asked. "I thought you said they'd be here."

- "Yeah, I kind of lied about that." The man pressed a button on the side of his neck and his face change to back to himself. "Guess who?" He chuckled.

No way! The genius boy frowned.

- "Whoa! Awesome mask, Dad!" Adam exclaimed. "He looks just like his evil brother who captured us."

- "That is his evil brother." The bionic girl replied.

- "And he did just capture us." The mission leader added.

- "Oh! Good one. I did not see that coming." The tall guy said.

Douglas smirked, proudly.

- "I don't get it. I thought you were an ice cube in Dad's warehouse. How did you get out?" Chase asked.

- "I had a little help." The evil genius replied.

- "It doesn't matter. We'll destroy this rat trap just like your last one." The Davenport girl said.

- "Yeah, thanks for that. I didn't even have time to back up my music. Twenty years of up-tempo jazz, gone!" Douglas yelled.

- "Yeah? Well, I know something else that's about to be gone." The genius boy smirked.

- "Yeah. Let's get his reggae, too." The eldest sibling nodded.

- "Get him!" Bree yelled.

- "Now!" The evil genius ordered. A masked figure emerged and electrocuted the bionic trio, knocking them unconscious. "Told you I had a little help." He chuckled, and gently, tapped the man's chest. The masked man glared at him. "Sorry, babe." He stepped back.


Later, the bionic trio regained consciousness with Douglas standing over them.

- "Wakey-wakey. Eggs and bac-y." He said. "Actually, it's just an expression. All we have to eat around here are nuts, berries and... the occasional barbecued iguana."

- "Taunting us with non-existent breakfast foods? You really are evil!" Adam yelled. "But I will take that barbecued iguana."

- "Wait! Who was that guy?" Chase asked.

- "Oh, that's right. You haven't been formally introduced to my partner-slash-boyfriend." The evil genius said.

Boyfriend? The genius boy frowned. Okay, Mads keeping THIS secret from us is fine. It definitely wasn't her place to say his sexuality.

- "Krane, come say hi to the kids." Douglas added.

- "Wait, now we have three dads?" The tall guy questioned.

The masked figure emerged.

- "After I was booted from Davenport Industries, I needed cash to continue my research. Luckily, I found a billionaire who believed in me." The evil genius explained. "Say hello to my lover, colleague, benefactor, and all-around bad guy, Victor Krane."

- "Why is he wearing a mask?" The eldest sibling asked. The man took off his mask, revealing a horribly disfigured face. "Ugh." He frowned, in disgust.

- "Babe, I have got to get you into a dermatologist." Douglas said.

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