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Thursday, 3rd October 2013

The next day, the bionic trio and their best friend were in the hallway.

- "Seriously?" Maddie rolled her eyes.

- "What?" Bree asked.

- "This." The alien girl gestured to the poster behind Chase. "I told the French club that they had made mistakes on their poster, but apparently they don't care."

- "'Parle vous francais?' Okay, the French club doesn't know how to speak French." The genius boy replied.

- "I know. My eyes are bleeding out." The Matthews girl chuckled.

The bionic trio snickered.

- "What are you gonna do if they don't listen?" Adam asked.

- "This." Maddie took out of her backpack a red marker. She wrote a 'z' at the end of 'parle'; a dash between 'parlez' and 'vous'; and a cedilla under the c. "Perfect."

- "Thank you." The youngest Davenport sighed.

- "You have a red marker on you?" The bionic girl asked, amused.

- "Yes, in case, they didn't listen." The alien girl smiled. "And I will do it every time I see one of their posters."

- "They will have to redo them all, every day." The tall guy laughed.

- "Exactly. And maybe at some point they will do it right." The Matthews girl replied.

- "Psst!" A voice said. The four turned around to see Leo, hiding behind the gymnasium door. "Hey, guys, you ever have that nightmare where you're standing in the middle of the school in nothing but your birthday suit?"

- "No." Maddie frowned.

- "Good for you, but it's happening to me!" The short boy yelled as he walked out, only wearing a towel. "Someone stole my clothes while I was in the shower!"

The bionic trio chuckled.

The alien girl locked her jaw. Chase looked at her, quickly, and saw the look in her eyes.

Someone is gonna suffer. He thought.

- "Well, you know, when I lose something, I find it helps to ask yourself: Where's the last place you saw it?" Adam explained.

- "On my body." The Dooley boy replied, annoyed.

- "And you definitely checked there?" The tall guy asked.

Leo closed his eyes, frustrated.

- "That is so mean. Who would do that to you?" Bree said.

- "I have an idea." The Matthews girl replied.

- "A-yo!" Trent yelled as he walked in, wearing Leo's clothes over his.

- "Ah." The bionic trio said.

That makes sense. Chase thought.

I'm gonna kill him. Maddie thought.

The genius boy grabbed her wrist.

- "Calm down." He whispered in her ear.

- "How?" The alien girl murmured.

- "Just think about something else." The youngest Davenport smiled.

- "Easier said than done." The Matthews girl smiled, softly, at him.

- "Trent? You took my clothes?" The short boy asked.

She-Freak - Chase DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now