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Saturday, 26th September 2015

Almost three weeks later, the four youngest of the team entered the common area to find Bob wrapped, from neck to ankles, in tin foil.

What the hell? Maddie frowned.

- "Uh, Bob? Why are you wrapped in tin foil?" Bree asked.

- "It's not just tin foil. I'm also wearing three layers of pasta, tomato sauce, and cheese." The blonde boy replied.

- "I turned him into a human lasagna pan." Adam explained. "Forty-five minutes in the sun, and it's Bob appetit."

- "That's gross." Heather frowned, in disgust. "I can't believe he's my brother." She sighed.

Chase chuckled softly and patted her back.

- "You know, given what I've seen of Bob's training, this might be the most productive use of him yet." Leo said to the three youngest mentors.

The tall guy dipped his finger around Bob's neck.

- "Mm, don't move. You need more oregano." He ran off.

- "Mm, lasagna!" Perry exclaimed as she walked in. "Got any garlic bread?"

- "You betcha. They're strapped to my shins." The Krane boy smiled.

- "I'll be back. Save me the greasiest piece." Terry said.

- "I give up." The Krane girl threw her arms in the air and walked away.

- "Hey, where are you off to, and how long can you stay there?" The middle brother asked.

- "Your cheap father forgot to pay the trash bill. I am so sick of working for a guy who won't let me throw trash in the ocean." The head of security blew her nose on a napkin and tossed it on the floor, before leaving in the hydraloop.

The alien girl frowned and used her telekinetic powers to throw the used napkin in the trash.

- "The planet thanks you for your services." Leo mocked.

- "Guys, check it out." Douglas walked in with a device in his hand. "This is gonna change our bionic academy forever. I found a way to replicate Chase's bionic intelligence."

- "What?" The genius boy frowned.

- "Yeah. Remember how Giselle Vickers wanted to give your intelligence to all of her androids? Well, this intelligence duplicator will wirelessly add it to everyone's chip." The uncle explained.

- "Wait, so you're gonna make me like him?" The bionic girl asked.

The green hazel-eyed boy crossed his arms and grinned as he looked at the girl he loved.

The Matthews girl pressed her lips together as she tried to contain her smile. God, he's gorgeous. And cocky, but mostly, gorgeous.

- "Pass." The Davenport girl added.

- "Don't worry. The four of you won't be affected. Your chips are older models, and Leo doesn't have one." The Davenport man replied. "But if this works, all the students will be just as smart as you. I just have to find someone to test it on."

- "This is stupid." Maddie scoffed. "You're just gonna change someone's personality just like that because their intelligence is not enough for you?"

- "It's just for a test, Maddie." Douglas said.

- "That's even worse." The alien girl rolled her eyes.

- "And do you really think that someone's just gonna let you randomly experiment on them?" Chase added.

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