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Sunday, 22nd June 2014

Weeks later, the team was on a mission to fix a pipeline.

- "Guys, the rupture's getting worse." Bree said.

- "That's natural gas. We have to fix that leak, or it'll explode." Chase explained. "You, two, go check the rest of the pipeline for cracks." He ordered to the girls. "Bree, you take left. Mads, you take right."

- "On it." The bionic girl super speeded away.

- "Got it." Maddie flew to the opposite direction.

- "Oh, we have to move fast. The whole pipe is unstable." The genius boy explained.

- "You ever wondered what it'd be like if we weren't bionic? What's, like, the first thing you'd do?" Adam asked.

- "Not get trapped in these stupid conversations?" The mission leader, sarcastically, smiled.

- "You know what I'd do if I wasn't bionic? Try and become bionic." The tall guy smiled.

- "Can we just do this?" Chase asked.

- "Fine. I'll seal the crack with my heat vision." The eldest said.

- "Yes, let's shoot blistering heat at highly flammable gas." The genius boy sassed.

- "I just said that. Were you not listening?" Adam frowned.

- "Just let me contain it with my force field first." The mission leader put his force field around the crack. "All right, it's only gonna hold for a few seconds. Go."

The tall guy used his heat vision to seal the crack.

- "Pipe secure." He nodded.

The alien girl landed, next to them. The bionic brothers screamed.

- "Every single time." The Matthews girl laughed. The brothers rolled their eyes. "Okay, no other crack on my side."

- "Checked all 200 miles." The Davenport girl explained after she super speeded back. "70 of which had poison oak." She pulled a poison oak branch out of her hair.

- "Wait, you have some here, too." Maddie took out another piece of poison oak out of her best friend's hair.

- "Thanks." Bree sighed.

- "All right, let's get out of here." Chase said.

- "Alright. Let's go." The alien girl opened a portal and the entire team walked through it.

A girl came out of the bush, smiling, after recording them.


Monday, 23rd June 2014

The next day, at school, the quintet walked in. Everyone was looking at their phones and tablets, whispering when they walked in.

- "What's everybody lookin' at?" Bree asked their principal.

- "A new viral video. Guess what it's called? 'The World's First Bionic Humans'." Perry replied.

- "What?!" The younger bionic siblings and their best friend, simultaneously, yelled.

- "Wait, there are other bionic people? Then, why are we working so hard?" Adam asked.

- "She's talking about us." Chase replied.

- "Yeah, look." The principal played the video for them.

- "That's yesterday's mission." The genius boy said.

She-Freak - Chase DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now