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Friday, 25th October 2013

The next night, the bionic trio and their invisible protector came back from a mission.

- "Another successful mission!" Donald clapped as his children dropped their mission bags, looking exhausted. "Sure, you guys blew a lot of stuff up, but hey, that's the city's problem now." He laughed.

Maddie chuckled as Adam laid down on top of the cyber desk.

- "Uh, I am so exhausted. I can't wait to just stand up, and go to sleep." Bree sighed.

He should really find another way to do capsules. The invisible alien girl frowned.

- "Well, you guys get your rest. My big NASA presentation is this week, and we still have to complete training on my gravity propulsion belt." The father replied.

- "I don't know what that is, but it sounds like it does a lot more than hold up my pants." Leo grinned.

The Matthews girl shook her head, amused.

- "This is a huge contract. If NASA buys this, astronauts will be able to spacewalk anywhere in the galaxy." The scientist explained. "They'll probably name a moon after me, or a planet! Things are gonna land on me! Ha ha!" He cackled.

Sounds cool, but he really has a mental problem. The blue-eyed girl frowned.

That's cool. Chase smiled.

- "I'll see you guys bright and early in the morning." Donald said and started to walk away. "Sweet dreams. Love you."

- "Wait, tomorrow? No, no. That's not gonna work. I planned an awesome cyberpong tournament. I made nicknames and everything. I'm 'Kingpong'." The short boy explained as he showed off his arms.

- "And tomorrow's the Teen Fiancée marathon on TV." The bionic girl replied. "I didn't think it was possible, but I actually found a group of people whose lives are more pathetic than mine." She chuckled.

- "Yeah, and I was gonna have a spa day. According to one of Bree's girly magazine's, I have cankles." The tall guy explained, sadly.

- "And I was gonna get a head start on my homework." The genius boy answered.

It's shocking he didn't do them already. Maddie thought.

His family frowned at him.

- "I mean, play sports and talk to girls." The youngest Davenport corrected.

- "Why don't you ask Maddie to hang out?" His sister asked.

The green hazel-eyed boy frowned, thoughtful. That's a great idea!

- "Why didn't I think of that?" He questioned, excited.

The invisible alien girl smiled.

- "All right. Look, none of that is happening. This stuff is important." The father said.

- "What makes your stuff more important than ours?" The Davenport girl asked.

- "Uh, 'cause my stuff can make a billion dollars." The scientist replied. "Yeah, so, when you're the boss, you can make the rules. But until then, I am the king of Davenportia, and you will all do my bidding. Ha ha ha ha." He said with a deep voice as he walked away. The Matthews girl rolled her eyes and pushed a button on the cyber desk, causing the lab doors to close on him. "Oh! Ow!"

The quintet chuckled.

- "Man, this stinks." The Dooley boy complained.

- "Why do we always have to do what he wants us to do?" Bree asked.

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