Oh great monster of the deep

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♕Question of the day: What do you want to be when you grow up?♔

(3rd person POV)

After your abrupt abduction by the eye of the midnight sun and their strange but effective way of stopping your powers, you were brought to a simple room in this strange fortress.

Glancing at the interiour as you get escorted in by none other then their leader, you find yourself in a less then ammused state as you realize that there must be some kind of curse on you for you to get kidnapped in every dimension you pop into.

"Do you like it? We made it quite safe." The white haired man speaks. Smiling down at you as if he hadn't just made his cult constantly blast spells at you.

"Why am I here?" You speak with a glare. Not pleased at all, defenitly a lot calmer then your first ever abduction, tough.

"Well... So to say, I saw you at the Knights entrance exam... And you're no human.. Are you?" The strange man tilts your chin up to meet his eyes.

"No shit. Still not a good reason." You roll your eyes, tail flicking in rage.

"You look too young to curse." The white haired man tuts.

"And you look too old to be kidnapping kids." You shrug in response and snap your head away.

You see his eye twitch.

"Y/N. I inquire you to behave, you're safer here, afterall. And to actually answer your question. You're here because you help those humans too much. You're too powerfull to be working with those pests." He speaks calmly, tough you sense an edge of resentment is his voice.

Ok so you were littarly just here so he and his loser cult wouldn't have to fight hard? That's so uncool.

"Ah, I have forgotten to introduce myself... I am Licht. Leader of the eye of the midn-"

"You're called light? But in the dutch way?" You deadpann.

"What- What is a Dutch?"

"Nevermind, continue." You wave off and just grufly glare at the walls.

"As leader of the eye of the midnight su-"

"You should have really chosen a shorter name."


"Stop interupting me." Licht glares in annoyance.

"You're very interuptable." You muster up a smug smirk. You've been a scared kid, genuinly put in a cell and kept in a tower as a sweet pet. Now it was time to be the most annoying little shit this dude had ever seen. It's not like you could die anyways.

They'd maybe kill you, throw you out and you'd just regenerate. Who cares? Not you.

"I'm not. Now listen to me, child. You're going to stay here, we will take car-"

"Nu uh."

You hum and almost want to poke in your nose for added idiocy.

"You wil-"

"No I won't."




"One more interuption and I'm throwing you to the beas-" Licht starts and you smitk before just saying: "Bet."

And in seconds, you're hoisted up by some armoured guards and brought away to deeper levels of this weird stone like building.

You observe as you're brought down many, many stairs. Into some sort of cave system. It gradually gets colder and the stalagmites start having drips on them... Aaaand that is a lake if you've ever seen one.

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