Warm lights showcase the end of times

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Question of the day: The bear or man question is too easy. Alone in the woods with a Xenomorph or a man?

(3rd person POV)

Now that the door was left unlocked, you waited a moment for the noises in the hall to quiet down. Something big must be happening. Everyone's running around like crazy people.

With your ear to the door, you await the sounds. Fidgeting with the hem of your shirt as you wait for these people to run by.

Several foorfalls later, the hall quiets down. You slowly creak the heavy door open and look through the gap.

No people.. no lights. You deem it safe enough but decide to go for your od tactic of just keeping a shield made with your powers up the whole time since it worked last time when you tried to escape a bunch of freaks with wands.

You just walk around the now dark cave hall. Using the small red glow that your shield emits to try and navigate.

The walls seemed endless in the dark. You stuck to the left side to try and find a way out. Why didn't you just bust through a wall, you may ask? That is because you wer eunderground, and as minecraft had taught you, there may be lava.

Wouldn't that be crazy?


Moving on, more walls and turns. Being kidnapped sucks. At least the other places had clear ways out.

And this place really smelled like dampness. Not your ideal living space. You weren't a lizard.

The cave walls were cool under your hand palm, hall twisting and turning to locations unknown. You just kept following the walls, that is untill a certain noise made your ears twitch.

That's some kind of shouting. It's very far, but it's here somewhere.

Should you.. go towards that? Probably not... but there's at least a one percent chance that there's an exit.

As a professional risk taker, you'd live by those odds. That took you a lot of turns and halls further. Avoiding the pools of water in a big cavern as you kept on walking.

Would this cave contain more creatures like Conch? Or was there... just the one? You didn't really know.

You pushed your single coherent thought out of your mind as you continued down risk lane.

How good at fighting could these people possibly be? With the magic shield you had conjured up with your powers, you should be getting through all of them just fine, alas, no more sleep inducing spells could hit you.

The sounds of shouting got closer, your ears twitching to pick up the noises of screams and shouts, senses on edge.

You came right up to a wall... great... The noises were just trough here... so.. You could just break through, right?

That sounds plausible... But is it safe? What awaits you on the other side? Certain death? An army of spiders? Life's never fair to you... so who knows.

You decide to break it down anyway. Using some more or your powers to cut a Y/N shaped hole into the door.

You step through and drop the piece of stone you cut out as you observe the battle before you. You recognize some of the people here. Klaus is here... fighting Luck? Strange, you didn't think they were that hateful against each other?

Mimosa's fighting Vanessa... OK..  very strange. What happened to girls supporting girls?

Lucks head snaps to your direction as you walk into the cave like room. The boys' grin only got wider.

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