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(3rd person POV)

"Y/N.." "Y/N wake up." Someone said in a sweet and quiet voice. You however not able to open your eyes from tiredness?

"Y/N, my dear. I know your tired and I will bring you to your room when this is over but please look at me atleast once... I've been waiting for so long now." The same sweet voice whispers close to you.

Not really thinking or noticing whatever is happening you try to open your eyes.

Slowly opening your (e/c) eyes you faintly see a dark room and a person shape in front of you. However still blurry from the amount of sleep your eyes endured.

'Wait wasn't I falling or something?' You questioned yourself. Still confused you tried to focus on the person in front of you.

"Where... am I?" You maneged to choke out mouth dry from presumably the air during your epic fall sequence.

"Don't worry to much dear, you've just woken up after all." The voice calming you. "You must have a lot of questions, maybe the shock of falling from up so high is still present?" The voice questioned more to themselves than to the slightly scared and extremly confused person in front of them...

"Why am I tied to a... chair?" You asked now seeing a little better. In front of you a white shirt with a green jacket over it.

"Oh, don't worry Y/N that's just for now!" The voice seemingly belonging to the person in front of you spoke a little louder to reassure you.

'Is that? A tail.... wagging?' You stared at the fluffy black object going left and right quite fast.

"Damm, death is weird..." You mutterd to yourself.

The person who had been speaking to you now ben ding to eye level by sitting on their knees. Taking in their face you looked at them? Him? You'd have to ask later.

Beautifull soft yellow eyes were looking at you. Long lashes across his eyelids. And slit pupils that seemed to grow bigger with every move you made?

You opend your mouth slightly to say something however not finding anything to say as you continued to examin the rather odd thing in front of you. 'Fluffy hair...' Out of impulse you tried to touch it along with the ears ontop of his head both a deep black colour. Oh, you were tied to a chair.


You were tied to a chair?!

The panic came in like a bus. 'Wait? what?!' you frantically tought noticing the guy in front of you also going wide eyed at your realisation. 'What is happening?! Who is this? Where am I?!' You couldn't decide what to say everything coming out together as small tears strted frorming in the corner of your eyes out of panic and keeping them open for a long time.

"Who is I where?!" You slightly shouted. 

You quickly looked around seeing a lot of doors and a lot of darkness. Not your favorite place to be in.

"Shhh. Your safe don't worry.." The wolf dude person hushed. Was it calming? Yes, yes it was. Did it calm you down? No, no it did not.

"Who are you..?" You managed to croak out.

"Ah, glad you asked!" " I'm Kai. I'm the one that brought you here." Kai explained. "Oh, and if your wondering your not dead." He smiled at you. "I couldn't let my favourite person die now could I?" He said in sickingly sweet way. Now petting your head.

"I know this may be shocking for you but it's all going to be fine." He reassured you yet again.

You looking at him af if he was crazy. Him looking back at you with his soft look.

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