Christmas special #1 🎄

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Happy x-mas 2023! Or if any of you celebrate any other holiday, even if not today, then happy that! I just wish you all a lot of great food <3

Onto the story: X-mas at Hogwarts, not nescesairly canon to the main story.

(3rd person pov)

"Y/N! Get up, it's Christmas. Trust me, Hogwarts goes crazy for christmass!" Lillith was shaking you awake as you blinked you (e/c) eyes open.

As you looked at the vampire girl, who was standing over you at the moment, you shrunk back under your warm blanket as Lilliths hands were unbearably cold.

The sight of snow outside didn't aide your want for warmth, but it did add to the cozy feeling of a snowy christmas morning.

"Yea, wake up, sleepyhead."

You heard this grating familiar voice next to your ear.

It only took you one startled turn to come face to face with Malfoy, who was... laying on your bed.

With... a bow... on his... head.

You fall out of your bed to get away from the blonde and Lillith gives you and apolagetic smile, meaning that she let the git in...

"Im all yours today, Y/N. Isn't that the best gift ever?" Malfoy grins happily as if this had been his best idea yet.

"Okay... Do a cartwheel." You stare at him with a tired deadpan.

Malfoy's smile vanished as he got your request.

Now, Malfoy could do a lot of things... but physical tricks... welp..

"How about.. I hug you instead?" Malfoy tried a bit shyly.

You were already out of your bedroom, heading to the great hall as to not see the traumatizing sight of Malfoy with a bow on his head.

Lillith was right. Hogwarts went all out with christmass. Lights everywhere, trees, all decorated.

You barely recognized the usually cold stone halls. It had all been decorated and lit up.

You finally found the great hall in all its decorated glory.

Not as much students as usual.... atleast half of the students went home for christmas, because unlike you, they did have a home to go to! Aha!

So to your luck, Ron and Harry were still here. Along with most Weasley siblings.

Now why Malfoy was here... you didn't know. Maybe his dad had been mean again.

But whatever the reason, you found a nice spot with some of your Ravenclaw friends at their table, because honestly, after waking up to Malfoy in your bed, a bit of the calmer friends would be appreciated.

You got your breakfast, the house elves really outdid themselves because this was a feast! And it was only breakfast.

You couldn't wait for dinner! Imagine all the deserts!

The girl sitting across from you giggled a little at your amazed face, making you just slightly blush from reacting so strongly.

You heard a faint 'move' on your right side and one of the Ravenclaw boys shuffled a bit to the right.

And guess who.. Malfoy.

He sat next to you with a satisfied little smug smile.

Its like he's planned this whole christmass to be spend with you...

Well last years christmass at his house... excuse me, manor, was a dissaster, seeing as his father not only tried killing you but you also kind of made a deal with him... so.

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