The second trial.

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♕Question of the day: What's your favourite book?♔

(3rd Person POV)

"No! Stop spouting out nonsense! It's supposed to be like this!" Malfoy whined at you. 

To your misfortune Snape had partnered you with him this lesson. You had no idea why since he seemed to favor Malfoy more then the other students.... So this just seemed like sabotage.

"The book says that we have to add that hairy ass catapillar. I'm not making this up you know!" You snap back annoyed.

"I've made this before L/N! It works beter if we do it my way!" He continued. An ugly snarl on his face.

You just shrugged. You couldn't care less about failling potions. This was now the third school you'd be attending. They didn't even do math so it couldn't be that important!

Malfoy hummed in satisfication at you giving in and did whatever he wanted.

The snotty blonde brat kept on clinging to you after your supposed 'method' of getting him to stay away...

You cut up leeches as he stirred the potion. Sure enough the potion seemed to b the right colour....

Snape ended up giving you both a passing grade for that class so... How fun!

You had  no idea how you were going to pass the upcoming exams... It was almost christmass now and you had been studying your butt of trying to remember all the random names of magic things.

The only subject you knew you'd ace was charms. Mostly because you actually found use in using those.

Time seemed to fly by.... It was now christmass break...

About half of the schools population had gone home for christmass break. This including Hermoine, Malfoy, and some of your other friends.

So right now the best way to pass the time was either with Harry and Ron or with Lillith and Atticus. Both valid options.

When you didn't want to hang out with people you went to the training grounds and practiced your own magic. You needed to make sure your powers stayed in good form. Who knows when you'd need them.

"You know. I still can't believe you just got cheated into the Triwizard tournament..." You spoke out loud while you sat at a table wit hRon and Harry.

In November Harry had passed the first phase of this 'Triwizard tournament'. A tradition at this school appenrently.

You found the whole thing way too dangerous for a bunch of kids. They made them fight dragons for fucks sake!

It truly had you baffeld. Of course you were happy that he was still alive.

You see. You had finally cought up with all the wizard rumors.

Harry was 'the chosen one'. 'The boy who lived'. He was a living legend amongst wizards. 

You see, on one faithfull day... Somewhere around when he was just a baby. Some evil wizard no-one will tell you the name of, tried to kill him. That evil dude failed but he did kill his parents.

And now Harry has a cool looking scar on his forehead.

Apperantly he was going to be the one who was going to kill the evil wizard! So if he died then you'd all be in great trouble.

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