Summer Special #1

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Question of the day: Would you rather drown or burn?

(Yo, disclaimer, this chapter is not canon to the story, its because after not having to write for the Harry Potter part of this book ive regained some mental stability, so now ill write the part where Malfoy goes bonkers and ties you to a chair. Okay have fun.)

(3rd person POV)

The next day, after getting your emotions in order you walk out of your house in a depressed mood.

It was quite sad... having to say goodbye to all your friends.... For the second time at that.

You walked around trying to just find anyone you knew. You bid your farewells to some of your accaintences, having tought up an excuse because saying you were leaving their dimension would be quite weird.... So you decided to just say you were moving away.

The first important friend you came across was Luna, in the library. She didn't take the news harshly altough she hugged you for a long time before telling you to write her when you got the chance.

So never.

The next people you encountered were Harry Ron and Hermoine.

Altough you were still a bit weary of them after Hermoine had tried shooting a spell at you you still went over to say goodbye.

It didnt go as smoothly as with Luna....

Harry insisted you stay, not wanting you to 'move to a diffrent country'. The other two agreed with rather desparate looks but you managed to get out of their rather harsh grip and bid them a final goodbye.

Now it was Draco's turn... Somehow he was the last one you found.

But oh boy! He did not take the news well....

"Y-You're leaving? You're leaving me?!" He suddenly wailed as you took a shocked step back. This was a very unexpected reaction.

"I have no choice Draco. My parents want us to move. I'm sorry." You kept up the lie of moving away. Your hands in front of you protectivly.

"Don't lie to me Y/N. I know that your parents arent here! Do you not remember how you told me the truth?!" He fumed in desparation.

'Oh, yea shit I did do that...' You tought  back to the memory of you two in your treehouse.

"Fine. I'm sorry... I'm leaving this dimension. I came to say goodbye... I will miss you Draco. Thank you for being my friend." You sighed sadly while looking at the floor.

However when you looked up you saw something you really werent expecting.

"You're not leaving me Y/N!" He shouted angrily, pulling out his wand and aiming right at you.

"H-Hey woah! Whats gotten into you Draco!?" You back away before he shouts a spell at you.

"Stupefy!" He yells with raw emotion as a red beam shoots from his wand.

You luckily block it just in time using your powers before furrowing your eyebrows in tought.

"No, hug for you then!" You stick your tongue out childsihly  before running away from him not really knowing how to deal with this situation.

You hear him follow you but since he was the last one you had to say goodbye to you decided to just leave now.

You had your bag with all your stuff already on you. Your phone... Charging station. Your old hero outfit. Your wand. And a bunch of clothes. So you were ready to leave.

"Get back here Y/N!" He screamed in anger. You shuddered at his tone while you ran.

You got ready to use your necklace but didn't get the chance as another 'Stupefy' hit you right in the back.

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