Pretty much torture...

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(3rd POV)

Y/N lays in their bed while enjoying the cozy covers. The sky outside is slowly turning brighter but after a little tinkering with your curtains you managed to get them to stay closed.

As soon as the time turns to six thirthy you could hear a faint noise of random alarms going of in the building. Normally you'd just turn over and go back to sleep but you were also one of the students attending the school. So being tardy wasn't an option.

Ever since you magically discovered your 'quirk' they made you train extra hard....

Apparently you had a very special quirk....

You groaned as you tought back to last week..

(Y/N's POV)

I've been hearing a soft voice explain things to me when I try to sleep. It tells me imagination is key. To make something out of nothing.

That I'm like him now....

And I've had enough of it. 'I just want my goddamm sleep!' I cry out mentally.

You concluded that if you did what the voice said it'd leave you alone..

"Ok- So? Um... Make something out of nothing.... with my imagination?" I whisper tomyself getting slightly exited over this. 

So I imagine a simple triangle. Just in front of me.

But, ofcourse nothing happens... No wait? 'I feel all of your muscles slightly straining?' I think to myself still imagining a triangle.

There appears a triangle...

It's slightly transparent and red. A faint red glow emitting from the triangle lights up my outsretched hand.

I look at it untill I realize that all my muscles are aching and clamping together. I begin to sweat, but I don't want to let the triangle go...

It dissapears and I fall to the ground. Now exhausted and clammy.

Oh and there's the shock of whatever just happend! I stare wide eyed at where the red triangle was just a second ago. It however not being there.

'Did-Did I just do that?' I think flabbergasted.

(3rd person POV)

You run down the stairs to the living room. Your (h/c) hair swayed from your running and got in your face making you almost fall off the stairs.

You arrive in the common room and scan it real quick. 'Not here!' You think. Other students that were present staring at you either confused and worried or intrigued.

The latter of them following you around.

You stop at Mr.Aizawa's door. Now noticing the small group behind you and giving a small smile towards them.

You knock four times.

You all hear a groan and a zipper being unzipped. Ah- And there he is the man himself. Looking sleep deprived as usual.

He sighs while brushing some of his black hair out of his face and rubbing his eyes. "What is it?" he asks in a tired voice.

"I found out my quirk Mr. Aizawa!" You shout slightly exited. 

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