Dungeons & deranged boys

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♕Question of the day: Is to think to exsist, or is it actually just because of cheesecake?♔

(3rd person POV)

You got woken up early in the morning once again. No sleep for a Black Bull... huh...?

You got dressed in a horrific mixture of the limited clothes you had, your old hero costumes cargo pants... a random shirt, and some sweather Raphtalia made for you once.

Did you look like a depressed teenager? Yes, but that was also kind of what you were, so you couldn't be bothered.

With todays 'screw this' attitude, you left your room, having screwed the window shut from the inside to piss whatever stalker you had off.

You made your way trough the base, once again having to just guess where the stairs were as this base just changed layouts whenever.

Oh... you've never mentioned that before? Yea, this mess of stone bricks just changed up everyday. Sure, the front door was in the same place, but the rest was a shot in the dark.

You eventually made your way downstairs to be greeted by Yami, Noelle and Luck. A strange bunch.

Yami saw you approach and gestured you to go stand next to the other kids.

You looked to Noelle for info but she looked just as clueless, Yami must have not said anything yet. He didn't like explaining things twice.. so thats probably why.

Luck, however, was peaking past Noelle to see you, a creepily exited grin on the boys face gave you the chills.

Finally, after being stared at for a solid five minutes, Asta almost comes crashing down the stairs. Poor sod had still been busy with his chores... as was noticable by the prominent smell of... Yami's beasts.


Asta gets put into the line next to Luck, who now also stares the boy down.

"So. You newbies will be led by Luck-" Yami began, tough Luck did a happy cheer as he was mentioned.

"-trough a dungeon. Y/N and Asta were requested by our wizard king himself... wich is strange. So watch your backs. The old man is probably throwing you guys in there to look at your magic." Yamu scoffs and lights a cigarrete. Blowing out a large puff of smoke as he sets his hand on his hip.

"Ok, move out, what are you four still doing here?" Yami waves you all off. Luck grabs Asta and runs out the door, to wich you and Noelle follow.

To your luck, Finral is actually outside to teleport you four with his portals instead of having to fly brooms again like a bunch of poor idiots.

"Ah! I wish you luck. Asta, don't flirt with Noelle too much, eh?" Finral winks at Asta. Noelle and Asta look at eachother in borderline disgust at that comment of the brownhaired man.

"Y/N! Don't die out there, I'll be needing your cuteness to attract the ladies~" Finral finger guns and squigles his eyebrows in a rather silly manner.

You didn't think anyone could be this unnatractive, really.

So ignoring Finral, you four stepped trough the silvery portal, just to be met by the sight of this huge square brick room.

Doorways everywhere. Glowing blue water streamed from waterfalls to the pools on the ground. Casting a cyan-ish blue glow onto the whole room.

Yep, a dungeon for sure, you were rather experienced with dungeon crawling by now anyways.

"Wow! Look at all this cool stuff!" Luck bounced around the room and activated several traps that tried to kill you all. You stopped most of them with a simple shield of your power whole Asta slashed trough the magic ones.

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