Last year.

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♕Question of the day: Whats your favourite playlist?♔

(2nd person POV : Figured the POV's out! Thank you for all your help.)

And so the cycle continued for yet another year.

Homework piled up and you had study sessions with your friends.

You still had to offer up some of your blood to Lucius every weekend but hadn't been abducted again, to your relief.

You passed your exams and so did the rest.

You still couldn't fly a broom to save yoir life but nobody has seemed to notice you using your powers to keep you and the broom in the air so you took that.

Haryy had gotten himself into a life threathening situation yet again but sadly you had no idea of it occuring at that time and couldn't help at all.

Umbridge was still a bitch and you could feel that there was a lot going on in the background that you didn't know of.

Everyone kept secrets and you couldn't blame them. You did aswell.

You continued like this for a year and a half. It now being close to the beginning of seventh year.

Perhaps time did go by too fast. Or perhaps a certain some-one had decided it was irrelavent.

Nobody knew.

You enjoyed the last days of the summer vacation. No Umbridge chasing you down the halls shreeching at you about what mishap you had done.

No friends hogging your attention all the time. No weird Voldemort shit and no 'Harry-almost-died' moments.

It was calm. You liked the calm.

It was the calm before the storm...

"Y/N~ Wake up." Someone called for you while you snored away.

"No, I don't wanna..." You said before letting out a yawn. Hugging your warm pillow closer.

"Aww, your so clingy today." The person cooed in your fluffy ear.

'What the fuck.' Was your only tought befor flickering your eyes open and scrambeling backwards with force as your (e/c) eyes widened.

"Why are you in my bed?!" You screamed at the vampire in your bed.

"You were sleeping so soundly... And your so warm~!" Atticus spoke fondly. His piercing red eyes, that reminded you just a tad too much of someone else, locked themselves on your form.

"Don't do that." You growled at him as you kicked him of the bed. Gently of course. You didn't want to bruise him with your noce strenght.

"Oh you hurt me so dear!" He whined jokingly. Your cringed at the pet name.... You didn't like to be called that... Cough cough, because of a certain someone, cough cough.

"Don't call me that. Also, sleeping with someone without them knowing is considered creepy Atticus." You remarked with a strict tone, your eyebrows scrunching together in a displeased fashion.

He waved apologetically and slowly crept his way out of your room and closed it softly behind him.

You sigh deeply as you begin your morning routine. 'Two more days untill school starts again.... Only one year left to go. Thank God!' You talked to yourself while throwing on some clothes you got from a faraway thrift store, that you bought with totally not stolen money from Harry's stupid caretakers. No you would never.

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