Time for 5th year!

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Question of the day: Any teachers you would like to see burning in hell?

(3rd person POV)

Your day started off nicely. Afterall you would finally be able to outrun your terrible boredom! School had started again and for once you were actually exited about it.

Not even a second after you had entered the great hall with some other students someone slung their arm around your shoulder casualy.

You looked over at them to stare into their eyes. After a milisecond you regretted the simple action because you in fact, did not know this person.

A bead of sweat rolled of your forehead at the situation and you tried to slither out of this half embrace but the person who, may you add, looked at lot like Ron, kept you at his side quite well.

Before you or him could utter a word to eachother another arm slung over your other shoulder.

You looked at the new person to determine he looked the exact same as the other one. Now there were two options: 1. You were dreaming or 2. They were twins.

Taking in the fact that all your fingers were still on your hands you rolled with the second option.

"Excuse me but-" You were cut off immeadiatly as one of the two spoke. "Shhh, don't worry about it puppy. We just wanted to get to know the one our brother and his friends can't shut up about a bit better." The one on your left began.

"Please don't call me that." You deadpanned at the nickname remebering that some-one else had come up with that one aswell, how uncreative of them.

They ignored your demand and sat you down between them at the red table- No, Gryffindor table.

'You have to be kidding me...' You stared ahead. These two kids seemed to be just a year older then you but you weren't sure.

Everytime you tried to squish out of your tight seat they made sure to keep you there so in the end you just sat still hoping that you'd get to sit wherever you wnat after the cerimony again.

You looked up at the nicely lit floating candles and the beautifull night sky behind them. It was alot more intresting then Dumbledore's speech so yea.

When he finished talking the students got to eating and talking woth joyfilled voices. 'They must be happy to see eachother again.' You smiled at the tought.

You looked around for your friends but then you once again realized that you were squished between these two ,who you presumed to be Ron's brothers.

When the two red heads noticed that they could once again talk they both turned to you in sync, creeping you out in the process. "So, let's start by introducing ourselves!" They said at the same time. Your head was spinning from the two loud voices in your ears.

"I'm Fred." One of them began, "And I'm George." The other finished. You nodded. "Well, um. Nice to meet you two I guess. I'm Y/N." You introduced on your part.

"Oh no need to introduce yourself. We know all about you!" Fred... Or maybe George started. "We've heard all about you! I'm so happy we finally got to meet you! Right Fred?" "Indeed!"

They smiled at you. Just when you tought it was safe to grab some food they spoke again. "You're going for the chicken? I tought Ron said (f/f) was your go to?" The first one began. "You dumbass troll. Don't you see that their favoutite food isn't on the table." The other glared at his twin.

You shrunk into yourself and quitely nibbled on your chicken hoping that they'd either make some breathing space for you or go talk to someone else.

They did neither of those and continued pestering you troghout the whole evening. Only when you shut the magic door of your common room on them did they leave.

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