Epic escape mad hero obby

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♕Question of the day: Stawberry, chocolate or vanilla?♔

(3rd person POV)

You had slept well now that you were whole again. Kai was teasing you about your fancy outfit the whole morning while Motoyasu was doing his usual morning routine with you.

You told the shadow creature to shut up in your head but it never did. Kai had missed you so much afterall!

"Y/N? Are you listening?" The spear hero asked you as he snapped his gloved fingers in front of your face.

You weren't listening... because SOMEONE wouldn't shut up.

Kai practically whined at your harsh toughts and went quiet.

Good. Now you could listen to Motoyasu's nonsense instead. Actually, that wasn't any better...

"So Y/N, you'll be staying here without me for two days. Me and my squad have to go do hero stuff. So you behave for the maids, okay?" He explains again.

Wait... two days without Motoyasu?! That would be the perfect time to escape!

A mere maid couldn't stop you. And Motoyasu would ,in no way, arrive back early enough to stop you even if the maids did sound alarm.

It was breakout time boyz.

"Ofcourse.." You nod in agreement to his statement. Not that you'd actually obey...

The spear hero smiles gratefully at you. He stands up to his full height, his ponytail swaying in the motion.

He pets your head softly before he leaves the room.

The spear hero has left your room now, perfect. Tough you'd still have to wait untill tomorrow to begin your escape.

As such, the day goes on. Motoyasu bringing you your food every time. Perhaps thats the only thing you'd miss. The good food.

To your relief the day flies by and you didn't have a bath scheduled today.

You had grown less ashamed in your time here but now Kai was back... in you. So you'd rather not hear him go livid because someone bathed you.

Motoyasu came back one last time to comb your hair and tail before he tucked you in.

You were about to just got sleep before you noticed the faint red glow right before your closed eyes.

Your eyes flutter open and look who's here. Its Kai.

His shadowy self inches away from your face. He's practically staring you down.

"The hell are you doing?" You ask him in a whisper, unamused. Kai smiles and doesn't budge.

"Well I just couldn't help but notice how you let that disgusting man treat you like a pet." He started, a strained smile on his face.

"Y/N, why couldn't you have just stayed with me? I can brush your hair too... I can feed you too." The shadows voice got sadder and more desparate.

"Kai you imbecile, im escaping this place, im not planning to stay." You retort. Did this idiot really think you were here... willingly?

Kai made an 'oh' face before he dissapeared again.

You deadpann at the stupidity of this situation and close your eyes again.

Just as you were about to fall asleep Kai appears back on top of you.

You blink your eyes back open to stare into those glowing red hues of your most hated compagnion.

"Love you, by the way." Kai announced and you groaned in annoyance and punched trough his shadowy face.

He disspeared again and you finally fell asleep.

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