The third trial.

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Question of the day: On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your mental stability?

(3rd person POV)

The second trial was weird. After all the contestants had come back up to the surface.... After the half hour of bored sighs, they were asked a lot of questions.

Apparently they had fought the merfolk to get back something dear to them.

They all looked cold and drenched and you were happy that you weren't one of them.

After the whole commotion ended and everyone went back to their dorms you realized that you would have had a way better vieuw if you just stayed in your common room. Since the big aquarium window litterly makes you able to see into the murky waters.

You threw a small ball up into the air from your lying position in the couch. You had been doing this for a while now while thinking over the whole events.

You caught it again and repeated the motion. A bored expression on your (s/c) face.

You hadn't seen Lillith and Atticus for a while now. It was as if they had gone into hibbernation and you didn't dare go into their rooms.

So it was just you by yourself now.

And it was boring!

You could keep saying it in your head but, Hogwarts had no tv's, phones, games or even basic board games!

How were you supposed to stay entertained? Study? I don't think so!

So you had worked on your project ofcourse. Although it wouldn't be considered a constant 

It still rained a lot... So you couldn't work as hard as you wanted to. But hey! atleast the roof was finished!

You threw the ball up again in the same bored motion. Mayhaps you actually missed your old friends at that hero school. 

It was pure torture over there and you never wanted to see a specific bird person again but for the rest.... You missed the compagny.

It was strange, you had always viewed yourself to be an introvert. Now here you were, carving attention, social interaction. Friends.

You caught the ball during your inner monolouge and continued sulking. 

After only a measly ten minutes your call for help had somehow reached some of your new friends. As they had showed up to your house themselves.

"Y/N? What are you laying there for? You look so gloomy, it's almost affecting me aswell!" Ron called out in a dramatic manner. A hand against his head as if he was playing in a play.

You almost snickered at the stupid sight and got off of the couch.

At least you wouldn't be alone for the day.

"Oh! Harry! You still have a lot to tell about the second trial! Do you know how boring it was! And Malfoy kept pestering me too!" You rambled at the chosen one.

You could see an awkward expression on his face. A sweatdrop rolling on his forehead.

The trio sat with you on the couches as Harry told you all about the trial. 

How he met the merfolk and how he had to save Ron from them. It was a lot to take in.

He had been able to breath underwater by using some random seaweed or something that Neville, that one clumsy Gryffindor boy, gave to him.

Apparently Hermoine was stuck underwater too, but she had to be saved by this russian wizard from one of the other schools. Maybe you should have payed more attention when Dumbledore explained the whole event because your friends had to explain everything to you right now.

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