Not my wand.

339 21 15

Question of the day: What person would have to be gone for your life to be better?

(3rd person POV)

You sat next to Harry in the first defence of the dark arts class you had actually attended this year. You had thrown a flimsey disguise on on his demand after he had explained that Hermoine and Ron would interogate you aswell if they saw you.

With that you obliged, not wanting to do that during class.

For those of you that are confused. You hadn't attended class since the first one this year because the new defense against the dark arts was a..... bitch. And you weren't just being mean. You would even bet on it that she could make Voldemort feel bad about himself!

Dolores Umbridge. Altough she looked harmless in an middle aged lady way she was able to make your peers' life hell.

You had it easy, you really didn't care for finishing this school. You just liked learning magic tricks and studied just enough to pass the 'owls and whatnot' wich were just exams. So you could get into the next year.

So this pink monstrosity of a woman had no idea who you were. Well that is right now. You had a feeling you'd say something stupid soon..... That would be on you.

All your friends had told you about her class. How they barely did any practical things, like casting spells, the only thing you'd do in here was listen and write. This was the third school un your life so you were done with that!

But suprisingly the cold toad-looking woman spoke mid-way the class to announce you would be trying your hand at a defence spell. Altough now that you were about to go you felt like this was a set up to see you all fail.

Only Hermoine and one other girl had gotten it right. The rest of the class either just didn't do anything at all or missed.

So now the student in front of you yelled the spell, his stance correct if you could say so yourself. The light came out of his wand but in the end the spell failed.

So.... Now it was your turn. And even after all your presentations back in your original school you kept the anxiety that came with performing before a crowd.

It was sad really, you knew the other students wouldn't judge you but that still didn't help. So you would just try the best you could.

You pulled out your wand- No wait, this was Voldemorts wand... How could you forget! The dark coloured stick felt foreign in your hands and you knew that you would most likely fail this...

You quickly got into stance before the mean lady could bark at you or something. She didn't seem to see past your sad disguise so she didn't question your 'headpice' taht had two obviusly ear shaped lumps on it.

You cast the spell but like half of the class nothing happend. Umbridge looked at you in dissaproval. "How did you even screw it up that badly? Not even a spark from your wand!" She angrily huffed while writing down notes.

You didn't want to get graded a zero! Ok that was your old self hoping to please your parents... That you'd never see again... But still!

"I'm sorry! It's not my faulth. This isn't my wand!" You tried to make her, hopefully, give you a second chance. 'No, darn, i shouldn't have said anything! That just made it worse!' You groaned to yourself.

"Oh? And who's wand did you steal then?" She smugly tutted at you. You didn't like her cocky tone... So would you risk your free afternoons for what you were about to say? Yes, yes definatly.

"Voldemorts, miss." You simply smiled. It was the truth. However no-one would believe you. You avtually cound't wait till the ugly egg looking creature came to trade it back for yours.

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