Becoming a hero is exhausting..

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♕Question of the day: What is your favourite colour?♔

(3rd person POV)

"Here you go L/N." Mr.Aizawa spoke as he plopped a bundle of papers on your desk. 

It was the last class of the day and he had asked you to stay behind for a minute.

You looked at the stack with questioning (e/c) eyes and slowly averted your eyes to him as to ask the 'what's this?' question non-verbally.

"These are some administrative papers that your classmates have filled in throughout the year. You'll have to fill them in now...." He explained with the ever tired tone.

You lifted one of the pages and read some random lines here and there. You looked back at him. One eyebrow lifted.

"Things like... How you'd like your Hero costume .. or allergies... You know?" He tried to explain futher now slightly awkward. 

Allergies made sense to you but a Hero costume? Whatever...

"Ok then... Do I need to do the whole stack now... or?" You asked equally awkward. "Just this one page is fine at the moment." He began and grabbed the top paper. "Things like your Hero costume are do-able in your dorm room." He continued.

You nod and grab your pen. 'Ok! My parents used to do this in my dimension... It can't be that hard right!?' You brainstormed, fondly remembering your family.

'Ok first question: Name.   yea I know that one!' You continued. A semi neat Y/N L/N was written down. 'Ok next one. Last name. . .' You mentally face palmed.




Filling out that form was harder then you expected... You didn't know your blood type and couldn't put down your birthdate either because this world was like what.... 200 years ahead?

So with your pathetic form filled out you and turned in you left the building. Almost going back to the principals office out of routine yet realizing your mistake mid-way.

Now that everything was calm again ot felt a lot nicer to walk back to your dorm.

Seeing the dorm building of 1-B you decided to pay them a visit after you had dropped of your slightly heavy stack of papers.

You entered your room and plopped the stack on your desk. A paper falling of.

'Hero costume design turn in form.' 'What a long and boring name...' You mentally judged it. You'd have to actually think up a costume? What a wierd school.

You closed your curtains and left a note taped to your door that you were hanging out with 1-B. You didn't want the previous events repeating themselves after all.

Walking back the way you came you stopped at the front door of the identical building. The notes next to the door had changed but were still present.

You knocked on the door three times and waited for a bit. Nobody opened...

Now pressing the bell next to the door you could hear someone coming over.

"We aren't intrested about your stupid article kid! Go annoy some other class!" Some scary looking dude screamed at you. You looked like you had cartoonishly blown away from the scream.

You looked the gut in the eyes. He had fangs and looked a lot older then a student, this must have been 1-B's teacher. A build frame was towering over you as he looked down at you.

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