Escape mad wizard, Roblox obbey

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♕Question of the day: Do you ever wear mis-matched socks?♔

Lolololol 3rd piece of the x-mas update yay!
(3rd person POV)

You woke up for a start... Not in a pleasant way though. Your head hurt and you felt extremly weakend...

"Ugh... I feel like fainting.." you mumbled with a hand to your forehead.

You lowered your hand again when you noticed the tight cold things around your wrists.

"The fuck." You exclaimed, now slighly louder.

You sat up slowly, as to not faint from brash movements, and looked at your wrists.

'They chained me?!' You screamed to yourself now that you noticed the situation.

You frantically looked around the room to try and find any clues as to how you ended up here... Or how to get out.

You seemed to be in a basement of sorts, judging from the moist ground and less then pleasant tempratures. Oh, ans the lack of windows.

The 'room' you were in had litteral metal bars littering one wall, seemingly leading into a hallway.

The other walls just plain black bricks. How boring.

The only light source a magical looking torch in the hall. You tuggud at your chains as you confirmed no-one was in the basement with you.

They didn't budge. You knew why, you knew the feeling of blood loss. Either you had a big wound somewhere or they had sucked it out themselves for whatever purpose.

After looking yourslef up and down you confirmed no outward wounds so the only option was that they had taken your blood.

'Maybe Voldemorts a vampire?' You laughed bitterly at the tought.

'I'll just have to regain my strenght and break out. Easy enough.' You reasoned.
You nodded to yourself and tried to stand up just to fall back down.

'Damm, this sucks.' Yoy deadpanned before picking yourself back up again.

Honestly, this situation brought back a lot of bad memories... you'd rather not think about.

You then noticed the sad looking plate with a eqaully sad beige piece of bread next to it.

Well atleast it smelled fresh, and not full of mold like in the stereotypical movies.

You decided that you'd just eat ut anyways, in hopes of 'regrowing' some of your blood.

You finished the sad piece of bread in distatse and flushed the taste out of your mouth with the suprisingly crisp water.

Just then a lock could be heard in the distance and a pair of footsteps seemed to come closer, the squelching sound following.

When the footsteps came too close you argued between acting as if you were asleep or attacking who-ever but ended up just going with both.

"Child, I know you are awake. Do not pretend, I see you have eaten your generous meal." The mysterieus person began.

You groaned and opened your eyes to look at them. You already knew from their voice but your suspiscions were confirmed when you gazed upon the still ugly form of Voldemort.

"You've been asleep for quite some time. I almost tought you had died." He mockingly continued.

You interupted whatever tought he wanted to openly share with you and spoke yourself with a bored undertone: "And why would you care if I died?"

"Don't interupt me child. Your lucky that's the reason I came to see you." He spoke. You didn't want to admit it but you were.. slightly.. scared.

The ugly snake like powerfull wizard did give off an intimidating vibe.

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