New School

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(3rd person POV)

"Are your students really so nosy that they wouldn't let me sleep?" You ask the messy black haired teacher beside you while he showed you a floor plan of the dorms.

"Yes, now-" He responds and points at a room on the plan. There were names of the students on the plan. Aizawa was pointing at a room that didn't have a name on it yet. So if you tought rationally, your new dorm for the time being.

It was on the second floor accros from a room with the name 'Tokoyami' on it. Who it was? You did not know.

"- we're getting you into this room. All rooms come with a bed already there so we don't have to think about that." He continued.

"And how do we get up there? That's the second floor..." You whispered unsurely.. "Just follow me. At the same time this is a test for my students." he kind of tried to reassure you.

"Ah..." You sighed blankly... 'A test for his students?' 'What kind of school is this again?' You tought.

"Come on  kid." He whispered. You following.

You and Aizawa reached the row of windows under the dorm room. The teacher looking trough the glass into the shared living quarters downstairs.

The sun had already set so most students should be up in their respective rooms now. However it was still twenty-two minutes untill curfew so there were still some chances.

You also wanted to look, but held back that urge in fear of messing it up.

'I still don't get how we're going to get up...' You doubted in your head.

Well, untill the tired teacher wrapped his weird looking scarf around you.

"Don't scream, ok kid?" He instructs you. You nod. You'd been trough some scary things by now surely you could take whatever this was.

No nevermind, you had to bite your tongue for this one. being launched into the air by your upper body wasn't the nicest. You looked up seeing you were hanging off of the balcony railing...

'Yes, safety.' You said sarcastically in your head.

Aizawa hoisted himself up on the balcony while you dangled there. Having observed what he did you tried to do the same. 

Let's just say he made it look really easy. You however had 1. almost no arm or upper-body strength. 2. Had never climed anything but some random trees and ladders.

So you struggeld. Aizawa showing no sigh of wanting to help you. But with some quiet grunts and random movement, you finally got up on the balcony.

Now ofcourse exshausted because you'd been stuck laying down for more then atleast a month and a broken foot recovery and being poisoned and falling out of the sky twice! and-

"Wow kid, didn't think you could do it." He said with no distinctive tone so it was hard to tell if he was sarcastic.

Wich for your information he wasn't since he did know that you went trough a lot before this.

You were sweating and breathing harshly while lightly glaring at the teacher for just.... letting you hang there.

He used a key on the balcony door and you two went inside.

"Ok, here we are. make yourself at home and be sure to not make any noise. Oh, and keep the door to the hallway locked untill tommorow." he instructed while giving you the key he used.

"Um, ok, thank you sir..." You whisperded watching him leave the balcony and dissapearing.

You shut the balcony door since it was cold outside and went to explore the room you were in.

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