Bottled up

262 14 17

Question of the day: First one you're running to in the afterlife?

(3rd person POV)

"Y/N. It's bath time!" The familiar voice of Motoyasu called out to you as he stepped into the room with a big basket of bath stuff, from soft towels to multiple soaps and thingamabobs.

'Bath time?' You gulped as your ears flattned on top of your head at that.

Did this man.. think he could bathe you? No, brushing your hair was far enough! You were not getting in a bath.

You quickly jumped onto the closet with jumping strength you didn't know you had and cower up there. Motoyasu found it hilarious. You were adorable, hiding from a bath.

He coe-ed at you to come down with some baby talk and you really began to understand what he saw you as. A pet. A cute little pet that he had to protect...

"Y/N, come down, a bath won't hurt you!" He smiled way too sweetly in that typical dumbass smile. A bath would hurt you, your pride and ego.

Motoyasu shook his head with an amused smile as he grabbed a chair and put it next to the closet as he just scooped you up off of the closet and took you back down and into the bathroom you didn't know you had.

How had you missed a whole door?! You had a bathroom?! It was sparkly clean, white tiles and a marble bath. Was this royal treatment? Were you fangirling over a bathroom?

Motoyasu let the water run, wich you didn't know was invented in this world, and threw in some soap too so it would bubble. And was that a ducky? What were you? Five?

Motoyasu tought so...

"Okay Y/N, you take off your clothes and then we-"

"I am not taking of my clothes."

You retort back quickly, cutting him off. He had already expected that so he wasn't fazed.

"Y/N, you have to unclothe to go in a bath, otherwise it won't work." He pat your head softly and you couldn't help the subconcious wagging of your tail that came with it.

"I'm not doing that." You huff as you cross your arms over your chest. Frowning at him as he just keeps looking all happy. Could anything make this man unhappy?

He shakes his head and goes over to feel the warmth of the water.

"Come on Y/N. I don't think you want me to undress you, right?" He teases and you nearly die on the spot. It was clear this dude had no intrest in you as a lover, wich was great, but he said the most suspicious things ever.

You grumble and turn around as you take some of your fancy clothes off. But you left the weird little crop top thing and the shorts on. Motoyasu understood that you wouldn't go further and for the first time ever a 'kidnapper' respected your boundaries and just scooped you up and put you in the bath.

The hairs on your tail got wet and you sighed quietly at the warmth of the water. Before you knew it, Motoyasu stepped into the bath aswell. It seems he meant 'bathe' as 'bathe together'.

The biggest problem: He did, in fact, take all his clothes on.

You wanted to book it, you were sitting in bath with a-

"Is it warm enough? Let me wash your hair Y/N!" He smiled another anime smile and began washing your hair, he had no shame, you could tell. Maybe it was better you got captured instead of Filo. Imagine her shock.

As much as you didn't want to enjoy or even do this. Some-one gently washing your hair was godly. Your tail swayed a bit under the water as you melted. All worries gone for a moment. Should you just give in? Let go of shame and accept the pampering?

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