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♕Question of the day: Why are you here?♔ (7 more comments untill 1k heheheh)

(3rd person POV)

You had charged in recklessly. Zombie goo had spattered all over your clothes as you exploded these undead beings from the inside with reckless abandon.

Asta and Leopold had been shouting at you to wait up but they eventually got seperated from you and had to team up to fight their own hoarde of zombies.

You just tried to find the one responsible for this, zooming around town with your conjured up wings.

You wondered if anyone would notice that you never flap them. They're just for show, afterall. Just makes you feel cool.

You were watching the zombie's below as you were concentrating on blasting them all to smithereens when you bumped straight into someone... In the air. Wich is strange.

No wait, brooms, right.

The person had wrapped their arms around you to make sure none of you fell and you backed off immeadiatly.

Looking up you saw the masked face of the captain of the Golden Dawn... You own face paled.

The man just wore a smile as he looked at you.

"I'm impressed by your abilities. You're Yuno's friends, right?" Captain Vangeance asks calmly.

"Yea." You nod awkardly. After having Nozel be an asshole to you you didn't really want to take more chances with noble pricks... Especially not one known to be the leader of the strongest.

"He's always happy when he gets to see you. May you inform me about your abilities?" Vangeance inquires in a soothing tone.

"... No.." You answer awkardly and fly off.

A moment later, the masked man stop right infront of you again.

"That wasn't a question."

"Then why'd you put a question mark behind it?" You raise a brow.

The man chuckles.

"Come on, I'm not the only curious one..." He smiles at you.

"Well, I ate my grimoire and now I'm able to always do magic." You explain your absolute bullshit lie story.

His smile drops.

"You ate your grimoire?" Vangeance asks in suspicion.

"Yup." You nod.

"Lies don't sound well coming from someone so cute looking." He sigh. You really don't have time for weird people right now.

"Good thing I'm not then." You scoff and fly past him again. You hear a slight huff of frustration but he doesn't give chase anymore.

"We'll meet under better circustances, Y/N." You hear the dude  whisper. Wich you would have never heard if you didn't have wolf ears. Did he expect you to hear it or was he stupid?

You grit your teeth and keep searching for the rogue magic knight.

An explosion of fire sets off in one of the town squares and you see you've come too late.

Leopold and Asta beat you to it as they're fighting some bad haircut weirdo.

You look on from in the sky for a moment before letting yourself drop and using the wrongdoer as a cushion to land your fall with.

His knees almost snap and he falls to the ground harshly, you simply stand on his back as one would a skateboard.

Walking off of him and patting the creases out of your clothes you wave at Asta and Leopold.. Oh, and Fuegoleon.. He looks right about ready to releash some baddass attack but you kinda.. already won.

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