|Harry Potter - End |

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♕Question of the day: Do you do a sport?♔

(2nd person POV)

Your rigid form clung to the ceiling by using your powers. The dark wizards and fellow students running in diffrent directions.

As the children ran away to diffrent halls to presumable keep the castle safe and give Harry some time to do whatever he had told you all he would do. You were too busy overthinking how this 'war' would go so you didn't really listen.

Just in time you blocked a beam flying towards a student, your red shields conjuring up and popping away seconds later in the great hall to block any enemy attacks.

Unlike the battle with the league of villains you didn't even try to keep the deatheaters safe.

For all you cared they could die, bastards.

After maybe a minute or two someone had finally caught sight of you on the ceiling. Unfortunetly it was a deatheater who spotted you so a green beam flew your way.

They missed.

You stuck your tongue out and grabbed you own wand. You sniper this bitch from up here even if it's the last thing you did.

'Shit, whats a good battle spell?!' You panicked while going trough your mental catalogue of spells this school had tought you.

"Um, Um! Expelliarmus!" You quickly shouted. Fortunatly for you it didn't miss and the dude's wand flew out of his hand.

You couldn't see his facial expresions but he seemed pretty pissed.... You quickly fired another spell  to knock him out, you observed from the ceiling how his body fell to the ground in an inconcious state.

You continued shielding your school mates for what felt like an enternity before the Deatheaters seemed to be defeated in the Grand Hall.

The student casualities stayed at a low with only two dead body's of your peers on the floor. Ofcourse, you blamed yourself but you'd have time to morn after the battle was over. Right now you had to keep the rest safe.

You ran trough halls, knocking Deatheaters over with your physical stregth. They didn't seem to expect that. A nice stomp to the face seemed to silence them so you moved on and tackled a Weasly twin right before he got hit with a green beam.

"Carefull bud." You quickly shouted as you threw yourself onto the Deatheater that launched the killing curse. You threw him out of the window, kit was only the second story so he should be fine.

"Y/N?!" You heard someone shout your nale in suprise. "Harry?! I tought you were searching in the library or something?" You stared back wit ha baffled expression.

"We're done with that now." He answered with a grim look. 

"So, your going to kill Voldemort now?"


A moment of silence passes between you all.


A single word of comfirmation was all you needed to hear. You nod to the green eyed boy in a way to wish him luck. You wanted to go with him to protect your friend but you knew that this was his destiny. It was either his life or the whole school.

You could not make such a desiscion.

"Harry, don't die." You said as he turned his back.

He only hummed as he walked away. Would this be the last time you saw him? You hoped not...

But there was no time to stay and think. You could hear the screams from inside of the castle and you had to go help.

And here you were, an unconcious first year in your arms as you ran towards a safer place. You kept your shield around you while you ran away from the now seven dead body's of your peers. You had come just too late to save the seven first years and it hurt you to think about how scared they must have been.

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