Mission: Get wand

341 22 13

♕Question of the day: What year are you seeing this?♔

(3rd person POV)

You were walking around the woods again. The sight still peacefull but you were bored out of your mind.

Kai had even tricked you into talking to him on multiple occasions and you realized with that, that you'd have to get away.

'Okay. I need to get my wand back. Otherwise I can't go to school.... My wand is either just kept safe in Voldy's gang or they destroyed it. But I need to go back anyways.... To.... have a friendly chat.' You ended your toughts with a constipated expression due to the anger.

You went back to your cave and grabbed all your belongings... Well by belongings you meant your now dry uniform and a self made bag. You slung it over your shoulder and started making your way out of the forsest to easily take off into the sky's.

You coiled up and spread your wings. The translucent sharp looking wings having taken a bigger appearance since your powers had been trained better and your capability had risen.

You seared trough the clouds feeling as free as a bird. If anyone had to see you now they'd probably think you were a demon due to your glowing red eyes and blacked out sclera.

You looked at the passing oceans, only now realising how far you had flown when escaping. Land came in sight in no time and you hoped you went the right way.

The forests and city's went by in blurs at your incredible speed. The only thing keeping you from going faster is the slicing wind on your face. Today you figured out your powers had no speed-limit, luckily there were no cameras in the sky!

A familiar garden flashed by on the ground and you did a flip in the air to turn right back around.

The garden was indeed the one of the Malfoy mannor. The white peacocks still alive. You doubted that Lucius fed them so they must have some sort of personel.

You shrugged, you weren't going to sneak around in there. No, you weren't going to be so nice this time. You'd barge in and just defend yourself with a shield of your powers and just punch any-one who tried to stop you.

You almost hummed to yourself at your violent toughts. You would have to let your negative emotions out one day, no?

You landed right on the entryway.

You smirked cockily as you put up a 'round' shield around yourself. You had realized that you weren't able to make round things so it looked slightly like some kind of gem.

You knocked at the door three times and when footsteps sounded closer you kicked the large door in instead.

This was ofcourse not expected from a teenager like you but you had gone trough horrendous hero training so kicking in a door was just in your skill-level.

You heard a shocked gasp from who-ever tried to open the door.

'How I wish some badass music played now, the silence is loud....' You sighed but ran past the person anyways.

They began yelling after you but you just continued your sprint while thinking about where you'd find your wand.

'I'll just ask Voldy himself. If someone knows he does.' You concluded in your mind. The doors passing you as you ran.

'Wait, I don't know where that bastard hangs out...' You stopped right in your tracks. The footsteps following you coming closer.

You turned around trying your best to keep a straight face at the maked people running at you. They probably tried to make their masks intimadating but it looked rather silly.

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