Hot cocoa

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♕Question of the day: Do you have a specific genre of music or do you just put some random good songs together?♔

(3rd person POV)

"Weee." Eri cheered softly as she played with a 'Deku' figure. The little girl and you were in your room with Izuku and Todoroki. A strange combination but it was going smoothly.

Todoroki had formed a whole ice-slide thingy trough your room to simulate a landscape and play-thing. Multiple of your clay figures stood atop the ice towers waiting to be picked up.

Izuku had been flying around his All-Might figure (wich you had not made... he brought his own) and Todoroki had himself in his clutches.

You had two random figures of bad-guys with you to play the antagonist in this little 'play-situation'. It was quite fun and brought you right back to your kindergarden memories.

"I will get you Gloob-glob!" Eri smiled with confidence while she made the Deku figure slide trough the icey landscape. The figure of Izuku's Hero costume slipped gracefully trough the ice.

"Young Todoroki, you must go help young Midoriya!" Izuku instructed a confused looking Todoroki as he somehow turned his face into All-mights.

Todoroki wobbled his figure around to where Eri put hers and let out an 'ok'.

You wobbled around your weird figures and let out random villain noises. The two hero-figures zoomed around you as they collided with the bad-guys as to show them getting beat up.

"Pew, pew! Mr.Deku uses his quirk!" Eri says with exitement as she makes the Deku figure woosh past faster. 

"Oh no! I got hit!" You feign sorrow as you make one of the gloob-glob things fall down, wich makes it slide down one of the ice-slides ending up on the ground softly.

"Haha!" Eri beams in victory.

You all played multiple more round of play pretend untill Eri had to go back to where-ever she came from.





It was 3 A.M according to your digital clock and you had yet to get a wink of sleep...

For some reason an uneasy feeling had kept you awake for the whole night up untill now. An uneasy feeling of being watched.

So with you having woken up multipe times to check everfy nook and cranny of your dark room you had finally decided to give up on sleeping and getting out of your room.

The atmosphere in your normally cozy room had turned thick and suffacating.

You closed your door quitly and tip toed around to get to the stair-well, ofcourse making sure no-one woke up.

You made your way down the stairs while almost tripping over a left out pack of red hair dye but succseeded anyway.

'To the couch we go!' You chanted to yourself as you plopped down 'gracefully'.

"L/N? What are you doing up at this time?" A voice called out from the kitchen as you may have jumped a foot in to the air.

Luckily your suprise did not come out verbally otherwise some may have woken up... "Tokoyami! You scrared the living daylights out of me!" You whisper yelled at the bird-man.

"Good thing it's night then." He responded calmly while putting something into the microwave.

"So why are you awake?" He asked you while bieping the buttons on said microwave. "I could ask you the same thing." You responded happy that you finally got to use such a sentance.

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