A nice talk.

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♕Question of the day: Any celebrity crushes?♔

(3rd person POV)

It's to say you did not feel great after that talk with Malfoy... Or well Draco.. I guess you two were close enough to be on first name basis after he told you that.

You had no idea what to tell the guy at that moment so you just comforted him. It's beter that way too.

Unknown to you, Draco wasn't really searching for a solution. The poor boy just needed some comfort.

It's to say that he adored you even more now. You had been his only light in his life after it had turned upside down.

So what did he do to show this adoration?

Invite you to his place for christmass!

A totally compensating action. It was still about three months untill christmass so you had no need to worry yet.

No, you were just going to lessons like normal.

And after the barely passing grades you had given yourself last year around, you decided to do your best this year.

I mean.. Magic was really usefull.

Why not atleast try for once?

Try you did.

But that caused you to now be sitting over your potions assignement with sleepy eyes, just trying to understand what you needed to do.

You turned to the only other person in the room freakishly slow.

You locked eyes with Hermoine and she sweathdropped.

"Hey." You began.

"Hey?" She responded reluctantly.

"Can you he-"


"Oh, thanks!"

That was all the conversation you two had. After that it was all potions...

You just wanted to go to sleep honestly....

And just like that two whole months passed by. And you were hanging around with Draco on this cold November evening.

You were both enjoying the cold air outside. The thing about this walk was, that it had become a weekly thing.

Every sunday evening you both walked outside together. You hoped that it would help Draco clear up his mind.

At first it was always awkward but after a while you both walked in a comfrotable silence. Just listening to the breeze of winter and the crunch from the frozen grass under your shoes made you feel at peace.

You wondered if your compagnion felt the same..? In reality he just found you relaxing to be around. Of course he would never admit such a thing!

On one of these evenings you sensed that Draco was absolutly devastated. He must have received bad news.

So when you went on your weekly walk you instead led him over to the forbidden forest. 

"Y/N? What do you think you're doing?!" He remarked with shock spread around his face. 

As a lot of diffrent possibility's spread troughout his mind... Some the cause of his bright blush. Yet you just answered.

"I'm showing you my treehouse." You faintly smiled. You had discussed with yourself about what to do with this sad child and conducted that you got happy from being in your treehouse... So he would be happy too then?

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