Sick days

441 24 18

Question of the day: How do you cope with the awfull amount of stress schools cause :D?

(3rd person POV)

It was now sunday....

You were regretting all your lives deciscions up untill now.

Not knowing what the hell this dude would want from you you had been sulking all day.

'It's almost sunset.. I'll really have to get going now..' You sighed sadly. 'Or we go over and kill him?' 

'The fuck.... Calm down head... That's my friends' dad... I can't just ... you know.' You argued with 'yourself'.

You opened the nearest window and looked down to see if you had any witnesses. You didn't and let yourself fall from the third floor just to catch yourself right before the ground.

You spread your still small conjured up wings and flew to the cloud deck as fast as possible.

After breaking trough the fluffy white barrier you could just enjoy the nice breeze while destressing.

'I'm scared...'

When you finally arrived at the Malfoy mansion.... For the second time that week.... You flew around a bit trying to spot Lucius from one of the windows in hopes to have this whole deal be a secret.

'Aha, there's the man of the hour...' You rolled your eyes at your own tought and clung yourself onto the wall above the window of the room the man was in.

You turned yourself upside down and made your scariest face while bashing harshly against the glass.

To say you were delighted by the mans expression was an undertstatement. He looked absolutly spooked and almost flew out the door before seeing it was just... well you.

He scowled before coming to open the window therefore letting you in.

"Spooked ya didn't I?" You teased as the angry blonde man tried not to 'avada kedavra' you again. "I almost tought you'd break our deal." He said as calmly as he could.

You just nodded and stood still awkardly. "So um... What do I do for our deal?" You asked after a couple of awkard seconds.

"I'll be taking some blood samples of you to get tested by our members. Hopefully they'll find something otherwise our lord won't be pleased." He explained briefly leaving some minor details out.

'Eh... I never liked getting my blood taken... Wait! This is like Toga 2.0! What have i gotten myself into...' You slumped over while your toughts went wild due to the slight nervousness of having your blood taken.

Lucius left the room and told you to stay put. You did and looked around the expensive looking room. This one was decorated like a study but had a really thick looking dark green curtain making it look like a whole ass bedroom.

Not even a minute later did he come back with not a syringe, like you were expecting, but a knife. A rather large knife.... Your brave mask almost fell after seeing the weapon but you tried to look brave and intimadating.

"Sit down. I'll need a whole bottle." He instructed. "So you guys don't have syringes?" You decided to remark. "We do, but I find that this treatment is luxurious enough for a disgusting creature like you.

"Excuse me?!" You snapped taking full offense. "Sit down dog." Lucius snapped back.

You did as told remembering you did make this deal. With your arms crossed you glared at the man.

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