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♕Question of the day: What's your nicest memory?♔

(3rd person POV)

You groan and roll over. Your face and limbs hurt badly. The moon lights up the room from the little creak in your curtain you always fail to close. A pale blue shimmers trough the room. You can't help but stare at your surroundings.

Even if it was hard to keep your eyes open right now it was nice to have a distraction. You wouldn't be able to sleep with a painfull swollen lip anyway. No you could... But being dramatic was fun aswell.

Maybe if you look awfull and sleep deprived when you see Mr.Rat again he'll go easy on you?

Yes, sounds like a solid plan. No sleep it is!

-Principal Nezu's (A.K.A The Rat to you.) office, after school-

You had taken about four-teen hits by now. You cheek stung as did your arms. You stared blankly at him while delivering another "no"

"L/N. Please take into consideration that you would save so many people. Right now your just letting all of them die because you won't defeat the villain." He said with a lack of sympathy. You looked at him trough sad eyes and countered back.

"Yes I know, but I'd rather have none of those people dying be my faulth then knowing I saved most of them... A weird way to view it but I don't care." You said coldly in a whisper.

Another strike to the gut. Your lunch wanting to bail on you right about now.

You had not once used your quirk to defend yourself. Wich Nezu found strange. Why were you just taking it? Not fighting back or agreeing? It was truly strange.

You on the other hand didn't know how much longer you could keep your mindset unchanging. It was getting harder to deny his question. Everything hurt. But you wouldn't give up right?

I mean You'd already fought for two days now. It would be a shame if you just gave up. That would lead to those two being a waste. 

No you were going to find a way out of this.

You had to.

An hour or so later Nezu had tired himself out and instructed you to get to your dorms. Wow what did you have to say then? 

You walked back to your dorm building with a black eye and a few bruises. 

Noticing the 1-B dorms you wondered how they were. But you then remembered that your classmates told you they were just using you... So....

Yea you went up to the building anyway.

Holding your hand up to the door in hesitation you look at the wall next to it. A nice paper hangs on it. A drawing of an angry Monoma is what you saw. A note written under it saying to return him if found or bothering you. You let out a small chuckle.

It hurt. You felt it in your ribs.

Next to it some angry notes that you couldn't bother to read.

You were just about to knock on the door when it flew open in your face. "Ack-" A quick yelp came out of you at the hit.

A confused but angry sound came from the other side of the now open door. A hand grabbed your shirt harshly pulling you to them.

"Are you spying on us or something you creepy bastar- Oh L/N?" You heard the door opener fume infront of you ending up with a suprised question.

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