Mall trip 2: electric boogaloo

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Question of the day: Have you realised that you're a real living person yet?

(3rd person POV)

As the van you and your classmates were occupying got out of the horrible traffic jam and pulled over to the mall's parking lot you were still in awe regerding the time needed to rebuild the mall.

"We're here kiddo's.." The driver announced unenthousiasticly. It was a diffrent driver then last time. 'The other one's probably in the hospital...' You taught feeling sad for him.

Your group stepped out of the van and each grabbed a plastic bag. "Come on L/N. Let's get going." Yaoyorozu said with a relaxed smile.

You almost found it humorous how they could be so smiley when you last saw the bloodied corpses on this exact lot a week ago. Oh yea but whatever right?

You followed after Yaoyorozu to wich she started walking next to you instead. A nice gesture really.

"Ok, so first on our lists is... normal groceries such as food." You began catching the black-haired female's attention. "Oh we also have to get milk.. A good excuse to run away don't ya think?" You added in awkwardly to 'crack a joke'. Yea that failed. She looked at you with confusion untill she read your expresion and craked a smile to make this less awkward.

No matter. You two reached the normal store quite quickly. Actually there were a lot of normal stores. "Um, wich one do you usually go to?" You asked her not wanting to spend unnecessary money.

"This one. Come on let's go." She told you happily while nudging her head to a closeby shop.

It was a shop. Yes. However, the products all looked similar to what you had in your world. Just... strange ripoffs...

This did make it easier for you to find what you wanted since nothing really changed. So you and Yaoyorozu went about this little trip and ended up with multiple heavy bags and some nice conversations.

Both of you carryed the bags with easy. They were heavy but that awfull hero training did make you stronger.

"Where to now?" You asked her suddendly. "Jirou wants a specific music disk, so to the music shop." She spoke lightly.

"After that we can meet up with the rest for a food break." She added just before you could conclude the conversation over. It did make you happy that you now had somethig to look forward to.

-Inside of the music shop-

Yaoyorozu was looking around while being on the phone with Jirou -to make sure she got the right disk- while you were looking out the display window.

A lot of people walked by. You, slightly fasinated by how some of them looked less human-like because of their quirks.

I mean there was this one guy with an old phone as a head! How cool is that?! Maybe not that practicall tho...

A couple of kids playing tag sometimes. An occasional angry cunstomer storming of here. Yep truly a mall.

That is untill someone caught your eye. A person in a black hoodie...? Nothing strange about them really but somehow you felt as if you'd seen them before.

You could be mistaken but that scraggly looking light-blue hair poking out of their hoodie was oh-so familiar.

You saw them enter an alley-way between some shops to do who knows what. You'd investigate later. Yaoyorozu would freak out if you left.

You stood by the door observing the alley where the mysterious person dissapeared while your classmate payed for this music disk.

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