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♕Question of the day: What is your favourite dessert?♔

(3rd person POV)

'Stop please...' You prayed while defending yourself. Using your newly aquired and trained quirk, you made two smaller plates on your forearms to block a hard punch.

Who might be attacking you? No no, it is no bad guy. Just a teacher!

All students of class 1A were training with a teacher at the moment. Mostly sparring. 

And you hated it. The teacher you were fighting was rock lock. He had a head that looked like a block of stone. As did the rest of him.

Aizawa paired him up with you to test the strenght of your little red projections?

And he wasn't going easy at all. But....

You didn't want to hurt him. You could only defend and hope that your quirk was indeed strong enough.

'Why would I hurt him if I'm supposed to be a hero?!' 'Hero's save people right?!' 'I don't want anyone getting hurt!' You taught with tears pricking in your eyes from the pain in your musles.

He had in fact grazed you a couple of times already. It felt like falling on concrete.

"C'mon kid, your not going to win with defense." He said calmly going for another hit.

You would have ran away if you could but all of you were on high concrete platforms. 'I hate this school! This can't be safe?!' You continued your rant, inwardly ofcourse. Who knows what you might undergo if they found out about your unwillingness to be a 'hero'.

You were even beginning to doubt the meaning of the word.

They had drilled it into your brain that they were beter. Saved people. And that it was the most honarary thing in the world.

Yet you started to hate them. But you had no choice in the matter. You had a strong quirk.

Another block done with a red shield. They were kind of seetrough so you could see the strong intent of hitting you in the teachers palms.

Not once had the red shield brocken wich you were thankfull for. However this did mean that they found your quirk all the more valuable.

Before you notivced it you stepped onto the edge of the platform. 

One foot bend backward sending a shot of pain trough your leg. Enough to wake up from your depressing toughts.

And there you went falling to the ground from atleast twenty meters. 

Your homeroom teacher was running to catch you wich he would, but you didn't know that.

So you saved yourself.

How? Good question.

In the brink of falling to you 'demise' you conjoured up enough red field to wrap around your waist and keep you up in the air. 

You kept it hanging there and so did you.

Stuck in the air with only your own quirk -Wich works with your own strength- holding you up.

You bliked dumbfounded that that worked. 'No damm way...'

Eventually the teachers got you down. Wich was followed by questions that you couldn't answer.

You and your class went back to the dorms after changing and did what you always do.

You were walking to the supply closet to get something when you felt a tug in your sleeve.

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